[JDS] April End of Term Report

Day 2,354, 15:00 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

As per usual, at the end of every month, we release the JDS round up.

We started this month with 341.95 gold and 97470cc. We received 50 gold in donations (10 gold from myself, 10 gold from Dr Hugh, 10 gold from kerna96 and 20 gold from Phool). We also received 1847.22cc in donations (1300 from Daenarys Stormborn, 460.22 from kerna96 and 87cc from Phool).

This month, we had 12 players apply for JDS. 10 new players and two returning. Of those, one was found to unfortunately be a multi account. We usually catch these players, but unfortunately they used a completely different IP that I didn’t have on record and that did not flag up as being a proxy. I later reported this player, and their multi’s, and they were banned.

The amount of tasks completed by our 12 applicants this month was 113, with two players completing every task. For those 113 tasks completed, we sent out a total of 143 gold. Of that 143 gold, 8 was unfortunately wasted on a multi account.

Myself and Hugh bundled our 10 gold donations together, so a transfer was made on the 9th of 20 gold for 1cc. On the 11th, Daenarys donated 7,500 Q3 Food to us, which was then sold to make the total of 1300cc. That was transferred to the JDS the same day, at a cost of 0.1 gold. On the 16th, kerna96 donated and we used 1cc to transfer his 10 gold and 0.1 gold to transfer his 460.22cc donation. On the 18th, we bought 100 gold for the org at a cost of 20300cc. Once our gold reserve dips below a certain point, we like to top it up, and since all we deal in is gold, it seems logical (plus a little OCD). On the 25th, Phool donated 20 gold to me, which was transferred at a rate of 1cc. His 87cc was transferred by selling one food raw material on the market at the cost of his donation. That means that during this month, 3cc was used to transfer gold, 0.2 gold was used to transfer two lots of cc, and one food raw material was used.

That means, that going into May, the JDS currently has 348.05 gold, and 79014.22cc.

For those who don’t want to, I shall do the maths for you. 341.25 gold, minus the 143 gold we sent to players leaves us with 198.25 gold. That, minus the 0.2 gold we used for transfers, leaves us with 198.05 gold. Add to that the 50 gold we received in donations, and we have 248.05 gold. Add to that the 100 gold that we bought on the org, and that gives us 348.05 gold, May's starting amount.

We started the month with 97470cc. Minus the 3cc we used for gold transfers, and we have 97467cc. We take off the 20300cc that we spent buying 100 gold, and we have 77167cc. Add to that the cc donations we have received (at a total of 1847.22) and we have 79014.22cc. If anyone wishes to check the org, you’ll see that the cc amount is correct, but the gold is down by 13, and that's because a new player applied for JDS this afternoon and will be logged down on May's docs.

New/young players: Remember to check the tasks and let either myself or Dr Hugh Jardon know what you've completed, and you can earn yourself some free gold!