【中央日報】Jameson L. Tai參選總統

Day 1,138, 23:20 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) USA by Jameson L. Tai

My goals: development of democracy, expansion of foreign affairs, and the improvement of citizen quality-of-life
On January 5, 2011, vote for Jameson L. Tai for Republic of China President!

請在全民最大黨的總統初選投我一票! http://erep.tw/index.php/topic,774.0.html
Please go to the Citizen First Party Presidential Primaries to vote for me!

Editing In Progress 文章更新中 請稍等
Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I-SbwCHJ80 Journey - Don't Stop Believin'

本人在Day 454進入eRepublik世界, 已玩本遊戲差不多兩年了. 在軍事上我有最多經驗, 但在內閣,立法和黨務上都有濃厚的經驗.
I was e-born on Day 454 of the eWorld and have been playing for almost two years. I have the most experience in military areas, but also have strong backgrounds in the executive branch, legislative branch, and in party matters.

我是現在中華民國海軍陸戰隊的指揮官. 同時我現在也是美國騎兵部隊成員.
I am currently the Commanding General of the Republic of China Marine Corps. I am concurrently a member of the United States Cavalry

The following are the former branches I have served around the eWorl😛
中華民國 Republic of China:

美國 United States of America:


陸軍(副指揮官, 參謀長聯席會議成員)(US Army)

遊騎兵突擊隊/騎兵部隊(US Rangers/US Cavalry)


中國大陸 China:



澳洲 Australia:

DropBears 副指揮官/國防部情報成員

Sol聯盟 Alliance:


美國 USA:
Former American Ambassador for Asia Affairs

中國大陸 China:
Former Chinese Ambassador for EDEN, USA, and Spain; Sol Advisory Representative

Served in congress of three countries:
中華民國 Republic of China:
台北省議員 Northern Taiwan

美國 USA:
路易斯安那州議員 (兩任) Louisiana (2 Terms)

中國大陸 China:
陜西省議員 Shaanxi
湖北省議員 Hubei
遼寧省議員 Liaoning

For more information, please refer to my character biography on the eRepublik Wiki:

Jameson L. Tai
台妹黨黨主席 TaiMei Party President

Jameson L. Tai
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Party President, TaiMei Party President
Former Minister of Defense
Former Taipei Congressman

「ZIQQ 全民亂講」媒體聯盟
《The Formosa Walker》
《sublimate molecule》
《Sunshine in Tainan》
《The Taiwan Times》
For ReStar: