^.^ It's All in the Family ^.^

Day 971, 03:56 Published in United Kingdom USA by PrincessMedyPi

When I started playing eRepublik, it was something I was doing to pass the time while I was bored and a half. I was unemployed post-graduation, and an IRL friend of mine (Phaedrus Lidox) sent me an invite to Beta. I was like "Sure, I'll join! I have nothing better to do atm." I never could have imagined when I registered for this game that it would have brought me so much more than a routinized two-click (now four-click) experience.

Let's face it, at the end of the day, there really is nothing to do within the actual framework of the game. The game exists because of what we have made of it outside of the constructs of the clicking system. We've created governments, organizations to run certain functions of nations, congressional caucuses, etc. all in order to make something of this place. We aim to make it more tangible, more interpersonal.

It's hard for me to fathom that you could ever end up having relationships with people you meet here that go beyond the surface level. But over my two years here, I have met some of the greatest people, some of whom have lent their shoulder to me to cry on when my IRL started sucking pretty hard. Recently, I have begun to realize that this place is really a giant family.

Just like a family, we have:
*The grumpy old farts who suck the fun out of everything (i.e. the jaded Beta generation)
*The experienced peacekeeping middle agers (i.e. the late Beta babies and v1 launch boomers)
*The gung-ho know it all whippersnappers who want to change the world (i.e. the noobs)

Also, like a family we have mass disagreements over the tiniest of things. Sure, we don't always love each other. Sometimes, we downright loathe one another. But, at the end of the day, if one of us really needed something, we're always there willing to pitch in. I mean, little do most new eAmericans know...but AgentChieftain (that "/v/aki troll" that many Americans despise) has been around American chats, helping all kinds of noobs set up and administrate chats longer than I have existed in the game.

But, most of all, we build close interpersonal relationships. I've done so with a number of people here, ranging from the most hardcore PEACEniks to presidents of Atlantis nations. (Note how I use the terminology of old---old habits die hard.) Justinious McWalburgson and I used to chat for hours on end every night. I was nomadbishop's IRL pen pal when he was in Basic Training, and I am currently doing the same with Sleeve. I made Jewitt the sketchiest handmade holiday card of all time. Arthk is my favorite drunken chat buddy and an all around great guy. euphonix and I have shared war stories and debated hardcore philosophical perspectives. AgentChieftain and I have spent hours discussing the most random things, including IRL futures and dinosaur mating behaviors. ClammyJim and I spend quality time examining each others psyches with our desert island game and discuss childhood nostalgia. Dish is a true bro, someone I can be truly honest with. GLaDOS is my sounding board and has spent countless hours (often when he's on one of his infamous drunk tirades on IRC) discussing all things IRL. Erwin S and I have shared our love of photography. Inwegen is pretty much the greatest guy ever, and I can and have talked with him about everything. This game even helped me strengthen my bond with my stupid brother, Emerick. (Author's Note: I'd also love to give shout outs to some of my favorite bros, Dickie Brophster, Chisholm, Furio, waffles, Wellesley, RRS, John Bartlett, and Thatcher for all of those times I've needed someone to talk to and for all of the laughs we've had.) (Author's Second Note: It would be impossible to capture all of the people I look forward to seeing every day.)

So, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, I'm not still here after two years because I find the four-clicking stimulating or because I have a crush on the four women of eRepublik. I'm here because I adore the community within which I find myself on a daily basis. Heck, that's why you can even find me lurking around IRC during my short breaks from the game. I have spent so much time getting to know everyone, that leaving this game is nearly impossible. No matter how much you may irritate me and make me want to strangle kittens, overall, you're just my crazy surrogate eFamily ... and I hate to admit it, but ilu gais.

Hugs and Kisses,