[ISP] Vice Presidency, Amnesty, the Party and You

Day 794, 22:08 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

exReality is the new Vice President of the Imperial Sun Party. It's true, I have appointed my respected friend, colleague and long-time member of the Imperial Sun Party exReality as our Party's Vice President. Most of you should already have received a message from him about coordinating voters for the congressional elections. He's a good man and I know he will serve us well.

exReality is introduced at a Party meeting

The Imperial Sun Party is under new leadership, this much is obvious. This means, of course, that certain policies of the old administration will be rolled back. KITA Ikki was an excellent leader of the Party, but there was one area in which we never really agreed. And that is the 在日朝鮮人, zainichi-chousen-jin, which is to say Japanese citizens of North Korean descent. Kita was mistrustful of these people in our society, and did not approve of their presence in our party. Truly, the President to this day speaks of 在日朝鮮人 as Godzilla Party plants who move about the political parties to mask their true power. I could never agree on this.

And truly, what has it gained us? The most vocal 在日朝鮮人 in the Imperial Sun Party was Crawling Chaos. Eventually, he could no longer stand Kita's mistrustfulness and left the Party. Where is he today? He is the president of the Godzilla Party. The Imperial Sun Party lost a truly talented and dedicated individual because of our former leader's mistrust.

Well, today I am announcing an official end to such suspicions. It has been seven months since the major North Korean migration to Japan. A time when many of today's respected Japanese politicians and celebrities were not even yet born. The time for suspicion is over. I am declaring an official amnesty for the spurned North Koreans. Names like Erumaron, Loftish and Millie Angelfire and indeed even Crawling Chaos himself, if the president of the Godzilla Party would like to return to our fold, you are all welcome. No more will the Imperial Sun Party scorn talented individuals simply because of national origin.

Don't let their skills go to waste!

Lastly, I want to make clear the importance of the National Forum. Visit nipponblog.net/forum and register, if you haven't already. Important Party policy decisions are being made in the Imperial Sun Party subforum and I want our entire membership to be a part of them. Make your voices heard! I will also let it be known that a congressional candidate who does not regularly participate in Party discussions will not receive Party support on election day. So register today! If you need help, feel free to send me, the Imperial Sun Party organization, or our new Vice President exReality a message.

The Imperial Sun Party of today is one that works together to achieve our goals, not simply a tool for organizing elections. So speak up today, for Party, for Country, for Sovereign!

Those under level 7 can join the Emperor's Youth. These young lads know how important organization is!

If these look like positive achievements and goals to you, then you may wish to consider joining the Imperial Sun Party! We are an authoritarian party, which does not mean that we stifle debate, rather we encourage the generation of ideas. But it does mean that once we decide on a course of action, we move together as a team to get things done. We are also a centrist party, meaning we favor market solutions where possible, and state solutions where it is not. Real life politics do not play a role in eRepublik! Our thinkers look at the game mechanics and do their best to create programs that maximize efficiency and strength. Please be part of a stronger Japan by joining the ISP and supporting our candidates for congress!

-President of the Imperial Sun Party, Reiji Mitsurugi, New Society
- 帝國太陽黨主席, 禦剣令治, 新社會