[ISP] The Imperial Sun Party Supports Angrr

Day 835, 11:36 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

The Imperial Sun Party has chosen Angrr as her presidential nominee. In the interests of promoting competition and the democratic spirit of choice, Japan's largest party has chosen to support an underdog candidate, a Ronin, for the presidency. Many of the Party's senior members have spoken of an interest or curiosity in seeing what Angrr would do with the presidency. And so, a Party of Philosophers abides. Both Angrr and Crawling Chaos have promised places for Party leaders Reiji Mitsurugi and exReality in their cabinets, and so the Party can rest assured that it will have a strong hand in guiding the future of Japan.

Reiji Mitsurugi remains the Minister of Foreign Affairs in either cabinet

In other Party News, the votes on the Party Charter and Party Platform will go ahead shortly, so all Party members are encouraged to become active on the forums and have their voices heard regarding the future of the Party. We are also establishing a group of senior Party members who will help guide the Party in specific areas. Current Representative DonarudoDamashii will be guiding the Party's 日本化計画, as we move to increase Japanese-language support. Those with an interest in the Japanese language are encouraged to subscribe to his NIHONGO DE Ok newspaper.

Lastly, senior Party member DankChronic is working to get our message on the air. Indeed, Representative DankChronic is spearheading an effort to launch an Imperial Sun Radio Program, to bring our message of strength and independence to the people and the world in real time. We all look forward to the fruits of his labors.

-President of the Imperial Sun Party, Reiji Mitsurugi, New Society
- 帝國太陽黨主席, 禦剣令治, 新社會