[ISP] Rebuilding the Foundation

Day 854, 06:45 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Patriots, the time has come. We can no longer afford to wait, and we must take action. Voting on the Party Platform and Party Charter are now underway and will carry on for the next few days. If you are a member of the Imperial Sun Party, it is imperative that your voice be heard. These documents will guide the future of the Party, and therefore, the future of our nation.

Think of the children

The importance cannot be understated. The Imperial Sun Party must be stronger now than ever, as our nation faces some new and terrible threats. There is, of course, the so-called Imperial Fun Party (if it can be so-called), with its so-articulate leader Puccho. A senior Imperial Sun Party member once commented, off the record, that Mr. Puccho's language skills are “UNKO.”

It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery, but so too might I say that plagiarism is the highest of intellectual crimes. And I might agree with my colleague, further expanding his statement to include that the rest of the so-called Imperial Fun Party (if it can be so-called) is UNKO. And nothing more needs be said.

Truly, Puccho and his two cohorts (the ever-beloved Darshu and unknown Otori Takeo) are hardly a threat to the stability and success of the Imperial Sun Party. But another, far more sinister concern has shown its face in our proud Imperial Republic. I speak, of course, of the Scorpion Clan.

Reverence to the Emperor lies in honor, tradition and filial piety

When I first heard that Goku Jones would be transforming the old Sumo Fitness Party into a new political entity, I was apprehensive. The younger Japanese may not remember, but it was Goku Jones who created the modern political powerhouse that is the Godzilla Party, having taken the old Korean Nationalist Party and reshaped it into a party of pan-Asian unity and Japanese global superiority. Obviously, he was very successful, even if the party's stated goals have changed somewhat.

But while the Godzilla Party worked very well with the Imperial Sun Party, indeed we have complimentary, if slightly different, ideologies, this new Scorpion Clan is everything that the Imperial Sun Party is not. In fact, I consider them the greatest threat to the future of Japan. Not the smallest of my reasons is the seduction of Gensui Dokomo. Japan's generalissimo, an icon of honor and devotion to the Emperor has been seduced by the Scorpion Clan. If he can fall victim to their lies, any of us could be next. Indeed, our very society is at risk.

The badge of the Gensui contains the Emperor's chrysanthemum

In his explanation of the new organization, Goku Jones (now styled 'Master of Secrets') professes anarchism, uses feudal imagery and, worst of all, openly states that he will use any means necessary to secure dominance. At the moment, it is Japanese dominance he speaks of, rather than his own or his party's. But how long does that last?

Already, the Scorpion Clan is the fifth largest party in Japan and counts some of the Imperial Military's greatest commanders among its members. How long before they take action toward true dominance of our society. How long can the Emperor trust those who openly claim to be untrustworthy? How long can Japan tolerate those who hide in the shadows?

Wait too long, and it will be too late.

The Imperial Sun Party will not stand for this. We shall remain a bastion of honorable action and adherence to the Righteous Nation Philosophy. To surrender this point is to surrender our very 大和魂, the heart of Japan. We are better to avoid acting at all than to act dishonorably. We are better to fall on our own swords than to blaspheme against our Righteous Emperor. We beg Generalissimo Dokomo to return to the Eight Chords, One Roof (八紘一宇) path. We condemn the Master of Secrets for his seduction, subversion and sedition. And we continue to work for a righteous, bright future for Japan under His Majesty the Emperor.

May His reign last for ten thousand years.

-President of the Imperial Sun Party, Reiji Mitsurugi, New Society
-帝國太陽黨主席, 禦剣令治, 新社會