[ISP] Patriotic Plurality, Good Governance

Day 857, 19:50 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Traditionally, the party president releases an advertisement on election day. Obviously, I did not do that yesterday. More important than a victory for the Imperial Sun Party was a victory for Japan, a victory against the foreign devils who would influence our government. Devils like Koppanyi Ferenc and Darshu of Hungary, who stole the Desu Workers' Party for their homeland's insidious purposes.

Today is a day for patriots

And yet, the Imperial Sun Party still came out on top. We hold a one seat plurality over the Godzilla Party and the Hungarian enemies were soundly defeated. I must take this opportunity to thank Brigade Chief Haruhi Suzumiya, leader of the Desu Workers' Party, who sacrificed his party's position in the top five in order to protect our nation. As a party leader myself, I can sympathize with the difficulty of that situation. He is to be commended.

So too must I commend our Imperial Sun Party candidates who have won seats in the Imperial Diet of Japan. And of course our election coordinator, my dear friend exReality, who did his best to ensure that our country will be safe and right-thinking Japanese will be dominant.

There is still some concern surrounding Nata-kun and some Russian elements that have made their way to the Imperial Sun Party under suspicious circumstances and for dubious purposes. They will be watched carefully. Fortunately, the Russian government does not seem to be implicated. These agents appear to be acting of their own accord.

Time to celebrate

The Charter and Platform have passed! By a huge margin, the Party membership has voted to establish the standards for the future. Henceforth, the leaders of the Party shall be known as Chairman and Vice-Chairman (largely to prevent reference ambiguity with the country president) in English. The Japanese titles will remain 主席 and 副主席. The full Platform and Charter will be publicly printed in this newspaper.

The Leadership Council will now be organized and formalized, and the future of the Party secured. Other projects, like Rising Sun Radio and the Emperor's Youth, will follow shortly.

Long live His Majesty the Emperor.

-Chairman of the Imperial Sun Party, Reiji Mitsurugi, New Society
-帝國太陽黨主席, 禦剣令治, 新社會