[ISP] Elections, Party and Congressional

Day 823, 20:44 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

[ISP] Elections, Party and Congressional

Patriots, I apologize for the delay in addressing you. I should have come out immediately after the Party elections. I did not. Allow me to explain. The election is a difficult subject to address. It filled me with considerable disappointment. Yes, I am disappointed.

This is Reiji Mitsurugi's 'disappointed' face.

It appears at first glance as if I defeated exReality in the election by a single vote. But does this result derive from the will of the Party? I'm sorry to report that it does not. I have been informed by various members of the Party that they were coerced, by Japan's favorite Hungarian no less, into voting for exReality. There is substantial evidence that special interest groups intervened on my behalf as well.

But ex and I have discussed this. We know neither one asked for outsiders' intervention. That is the source of my disappointment. People not of our Party, which is to say non-right-thinking Japanese people, and in fact even some non-Japanese people, intervened, interfered, in our Party elections. In essence, the Imperial Sun Party was robbed of its right to self-determinate.

Naturally, this is an unacceptable development. Neither mine nor exReality's cause was helped by the intervention. The democratic process certainly wasn't helped. What's happened was, ultimately, the rape of our Party. This won't happen again.

Now, onto a happier subject.

Happier things.

Congressional elections are fast approaching, and as always, the Imperial Sun Party is committed to providing the Japanese people with quality (and numerous!) representation in the Imperial Diet of Japan. exReality has some new ideas for organization and execution, and so will be spearheading our elections again. Remember, patriots, if you want Party support, you must be active on the National Forum. You must have some sort of participation not only in the Party, but in the nation. Otherwise, how can we be sure you are quality representation not only for the people but for the Party? The National Forum can be found here.

The Emperor's Youth is raising a new generation of patriots!

Lastly, we have a few Party initiatives that need more participation. Of course the Party Charter and Party Platform demand much more attention before they can be ratified. I urge all Party members to bring your suggestions to help develop our core philosophies for the future of the Party.

Also, there is the Emperor's Youth organization. For the youngest people of Japan who are not yet old enough to officially join a Party, the Emperor's Youth will educate them into right-thinking Japanese, ready to serve sovereign, nation and party. If you're a lost young man reading this paper, please message me immediately that we might begin your guidance on the road to greatness.

And finally, I plan to execute a form of exReality's leadership council, in order to give more responsibility, more involvement and more activity to our senior Party members. More on that to come.

All this, we do in the Emperor's name.

May His reign last for ten thousand years.

-President of the Imperial Sun Party, Reiji Mitsurugi, New Society
- 帝國太陽黨主席, 禦剣令治, 新社會

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