[ISP] Danyaku for Danyeo

Day 867, 10:15 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Patriots, today is election day. As anyone can see on the ballot, the official candidate of the Imperial Sun Party is danyeo. Beyond being a good friend, a loyal senior Party member and a man of pragmatic mind, danyeo is eJapanese in the purest sense of the word. A devoted member of the legislature, serving two terms as our Speaker for the Imperial Diet, danyeo has given 100% for our country.

So here I introduce the Imperial Sun Party's slogan for the danyeo presidential campaign:

Danyaku for danyeo, that is, ammo for danno! Maybe...

In any case, the Imperial Sun Party is looking forward to danyeo's unquestionable victory, his landslide defeat of all who oppose him. The Party has faith that danyeo's administration will continue the prudent policies of his predecessor, while simultaneously instituting reforms for an even brighter future.

Praise the Emperor and vote danyeo.

-Chairman of the Imperial Sun Party, Reiji Mitsurugi, New Society
-帝國太陽黨主席, 禦剣令治, 新社會