[IP] hate voting? So does PaulJung!

Day 986, 16:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Independent Party


Since no CP candidate requested official support for the Country President elections this month. Well, we cannot support anyone according to our rules! Most IP members were hopefull that Boklevski would try one more time, but the previous attempts has had a toll on him, and he was quite decisive to not run again.

To not let down our members into despair about who to vote for, I´ve put forward a totally neutral candidate, of who you can be assured that at least your vote had no impact at all, and that you didn´t do any damage to your great country!

tired of this shit?

So vote PaulJung if you have no clue who to vote for,
or if you want to protest against the current power-hegemony of
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PaulJung is our most junior member who could be forward as CP candidate, he seems like a nice chap, but probably hasn´t got a clue he´s being put forward for Country President. We are not even sure he´s active!
So do yourself a favour, and don´t vote for any of the other candidates, but vote for PaulJung, because he´s someone you like to meet someday... maybe. Just look at him, you know he deserves it!

I vote for PaulJung everyday!

and so should you!

Denial Karper
Party President Independent Party
Vice Party President Independent Party

Independent Party; Where ideas are given wings (but not today)