Interview with Leroy Combs

Day 1,309, 16:15 Published in USA USA by Tronyx
Today I'll be having a talk with one of the eUSA's most prominent figures. This man has been the vice president twice as well as congressman many times, helped found one the best eUS military divisions, he has led the eCIA and is one of the largest employers in the country. People I give you

Welcome Leroy. So I see by the shiny red button that your a game mod. What does that entail exactly?

For the last month it means I answer Greek vs. FYROM tickets, kidding aside I answer tickets concerning article comments, wall post, and other issues. I try to answer at least 500 a month.

You were vice president for two months there alongside Emerick, what do you think you could have done better?

I could have been a lot more active. I wanted to help him in any way I could but RL kept me from spending as much time as I used to in years past.

What are the goals that you have left to achieve in this game?

To be honest that is something I have struggled with, I have been so fortunate to be involved with so many facets of the game and with a little hard work and luck you can do about anything. The latest goal I have come up with is to try to get 1,000,000 USD, I’m not sure it is possible but it is the only goal that comes to mind other then doing whatever I can to help the eUS as it is being invaded.

You have been involved with many of the modules, but what would be your favourite part of this game?

I have always enjoyed the economic side of the game, even in the eUS which has almost always had the harshest business environment if you are patient and take a long term approach you can do just about anything you want. For some players I can see where the political side of the game could be the most fun but I’m not outgoing enough for it. I have also enjoyed the military side of the game, when I started out I used to watch in awe as tanks would hit the wall and I decided I wanted to be one myself and it has taken a long time but if you keep working at it you can do almost anything.

How do you see the united states in a months time?

Fighting for our survival, unless there is another change in erepublik that levels things a bit and with the pace of change in this game it’s possible.

What do you think of all the recent eating/fighting changes in the game?

As a company owner I love it but as a eUS citizen I believe it tilts the field toward ONE.

What about the recent work skill developments?

As someone that had a skill 15 and almost to skill 16 I didn’t like it a bit, as a company owner I love it, I know what I’m getting with every worker now I only have to look for active workers.

Are One just too strong or too well organised?

They do seem to have an advantage in the number of active players and that also seems to help them with the recent erepublik changes.

How did we go from wiping Hungary and nearly Serbia and Spain to where we are today?

This game has always seemed to run in cycles, but with the recent changes it may not. We got to this point mainly with a lack of complete battle coordination by ALL allies, hopefully this can be changed.

What are your feeling toward Terra and Eden as allies?

I don’t have much of a problem with Terra or Eden the biggest problem was allowing Eden to fall, our success has always been link to Eden in some form or fashion, it was Atlantis/Eden that helped us recover from the last invasion. I think several things have lead us to this point in history and we could debate them forever but from this point forward the key is going to be battle coordination from/with all of our allies.

You were a major part of the Airborne being founded and still have your own platoon, but how do you see the Airborne comparing with the other top units in the eUS?

Within the eUS I see it as one of the most active and cohesive military force’s around. The culture of the AB is a little unique compared to some other units, I know when people quit erepublik one of the hardest things to do is leaving your AB comrades behind. As a whole they are one of the most active branches in the eUS.

What would your advice be to the newer players out there?

If possible take a long term approach, get active on IRC and the forums, don’t be afraid to ask questions, I know I answer every quest sent to me. I also mentor new players and it can be pretty rewarding to see a new player continue to grow and run for congress. The key to new players is to play for more then one or two days, they have to be given an opportunity to create relationships with other players, that is the key.

Well there you have it folks, many thanks again to Leroy for taking the time to do this interview. Leroy is also running for congress in Arizona so best of luck to him there too. You can see his platform here.

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