[Interview] It's A Bird, It's A Plane, Noo, It's Whatsupcarlitos

Day 1,251, 19:07 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Admiral Proudmoore

Day 1251
Apr 24, 2011

In this edition, i will publish my interview with the heroes from tango country.


A : Hi sir nice to meet you again, i want to asking you some question and interview for my article

W : i answer you tomorrow, it´s 2 am here :3

Next Day

A : When did you start to play this game ? and what do you think after you play ?

W : I started to play on Jul 02, 2009 some RL friend give me the link and he quits (no gold bonus for him 😛) i played for 6 months by my own, without gettin involved in the comunnity, now i only stay because of the friends

A : You like superman now, when people needed your help then you coming out,why you like to do that?

W : I like to help my friends or people that I see helps us, nothing more, don´t fight if there it´s no need (at least i try it 😃)

A : From your personal opinion, Which are best allies for Argentina, and which are their best enemies?

W : In my opinion our best allies are Indonesia and Turkey, they come and help without we ask for their help
Our best enemie is Spain, however I have some guiza (spanish) as a friend 😛

A : Now About BIA, Do you think BIA will reunion again?

W : It´s hard to say, but let´s hope for the best

A : What do you think about Indonesia ingame and RL ?

W : Ingame i think indo is invincible, maybe USA can win us, but i don´t think so 🙂
In RL i don´t know nothing about indo, except that it rains a lot (latifa told me 😛)

A : Do you have friend from Indonesia ingame and RL, and which are they?

W : there´s people i know in indo (latifa,all-x,matahari,nico,jojo,koye,you) everyone treat people very well

A : What are your plans as a Player of this game ?, You almost fill all medalls except CP, interest to be President? (And few days ago, some people from Indonesia said "Whatsupcarlitos for eRI-1)

W : no way, i like the way i played so far, it´s too much responsability to be a CP

A : Last Question, tell me something about your Real Life (how old are you, where do you live, what are yours hobbies,)?

W : i´m 31 years old, I live in Banfield since i was born, i like to go to the stadium to see my team (Banfield) with friends, and my only hobby is this game

a greeting for my friends, that i meet on erep (in order of appearance) Loposa, Anabelle_Lee, Eltanocuervo, Lucas05, tute cabrero, Klameus, Kloraq they are the reason to keep playing (the friends 😳)

A : OK, thank you sir for the interview...

W : You're welcome

Kind Regards

-= Arale =-