“International Globularism – A Child Attempting To Be Witty”

Day 296, 01:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Chrissetti

There is a pestilence permeating the eUK - or that is what the establishment would have you believe.

Ah, yes! Zeteticism! Free thought! Universal truth! Most insidious spectres indeed! Those in charge would not deign to have them haunting our society...but what of you, citizen? Are you content to accept the lies of our current government? Or do you long for rational, honest answers to the important issues? The latter, of course, is no less than treason, citizen. Zeteticism is treason! An upheaval against the Globularist lie and its entrenched system of propaganda which has become so very much a part of our daily routine! The Globularist, why, he is the master of falsehood! This is why Zeteticism is incompatible with it, citizen. This is why Zeteticism is treason.

You recoil from the word, citizen, and rightly so; it is an ugly and unfortunate word with ugly and unfortunate connotations. However, there comes ugly and unfortunate times when such ugly and unfortunate things become necessary in the face of the most ugly and unfortunate forces of all. Treason against injustice, slander and inveracity! This form of treason is patriotic, citizen! It is under these conditions that treason blossoms into revolution! Zeteticism is, at its very core, revolutionary in every respect.

But what is Zeteticism? How may it be best comprehended without direct observation? Citizen, I give you the words of the great Tom Bishop:

It has become a duty, paramount and imperative, to meet the common Round Earther in the open, avowed, and unyielding rebellion; to declare that his reign of error and confusion is over; and that henceforth, like a falling dynasty, he must shrink and disappear, leaving the throne and the kingdom of science and philosophy to those awakening intellects whose numbers are constantly increasing, and whose march is rapid and irresistible. The soldiers of truth and reason of the Flat Earth Society has drawn the sword, and ere another generation has been educated and grown to maturity, will have forced the usurpers to abdicate. Like the decayed and crumbling trees of an ancient forest, rent and shattered by wind and storm, the hypothetical philosophies, which have hitherto cumbered the civilized world, are unable to resist the elements of experimental and logical criticism; and sooner or later must succumb to their assaults. The axe is uplifted for a final stroke - it is about to fall upon the primitive sphere of the earth, and the blow will surely "cut the cumberer down!”

And so, with Dr. Rowbotham as the guide and reason as the inspiration, the People’s Zeteticist Party has been formed!

However, our situation is grim, citizen. Currently, we have no rights; we are insulted every day and told to keep silent. As the Globularist poison seeps into our minds, as we are bullied by their agitation and indoctrination, every gesture we make is a commitment! Citizen, it is time to cull the living flower of freedom. Let us rally under the PZP!

Let the Globularists quake with fear and anger at this “pestilence” which seeks to free the people! You have nothing to lose but your blindfold, citizen! You have the flatness of the earth to realise!



by Yoshiro Tanaka