[INTERNATIONAL] A surprising ending of the WW3

Day 678, 01:13 Published in Romania China by mihail.cazacu

With everybody watching the expulsion of Russia and France from North America nobody seemed to pay attention to an apparently minor event: the Hungarian Congress had rejected the peace treaty with Ukraine.

At first glance the refusal to conclude peace seems stupid. Ukraine is protected by a series of MPPs with the main EDEN countries and another MPP with Russia is under way. Therefore Ukraine’s high grain and high iron regions are out of reach for Hungary and will continue to be that way for the foreseeable future.

In the same time as long as the war is still on, Ukraine having friendly relations both with EDEN and with Russia makes it possible for EDEN and Russia to solve their differences on the expense of the Hungarian colonial empire.

Ukraine has a border with the Hungarian colony in Northern Caucasus, an original Russian province Hungary still occupies. In the good old PEACE tradition of “we hold your richest regions for your benefit and we will racketeer you in exchange for returning them” Hungary had recently asked Russia to pay 700 gold.

That doesn’t sit well with a lot of the Russians who have already had to give an arm and a leg in exchange for the Urals. It adds insult to injury given Russia bankrupt herself in the war against the USA for the sole purpose of allowing Hungary to keep Alaska, Nunavut and Manitoba for a few more months. And for what? Once Alaska is recovered, Russia will face the US (roughly twice as big in terms of players) and 15 allies of the Americans. Ouch!

In this context a plan was devised to return Northern Caucasus to Russia for free, in exchange for a 180 degrees turn in the Russian system of alliances. Ukraine would use the current open war with Hungary to liberate Northern Caucasus with the help of both the EDEN and Russian crack troops. Then the same troops would launch a RW in the province and return it to Russia for free.

Given the true authors of the WW3 are Hungary and Indonesia, Russia has the possibility to be left off the hook AND to recover her provinces under “friendly” yoke in exchange for assisting in the prosecution of the real villains. The liberation of Northern Caucasus through a joint EDEN – Russian effort would be the first step in healing old wounds and starting a mutually beneficial new cooperation.

This is the big picture the Hungarians had in mind when they decided to reject the peace treaty with Ukraine. So why did they do it? Well, Hungary didn’t get to the status of being a eWorld power by not analyzing all the options.

Russia and France are the ones left carrying the bag. Both are weak- do not confuse Real Life Russia and Real Life France with eRussia and eFrance. Now that they have played their part it would cost Hungary and Indonesia too much to continue to prop them up.

Indonesia is bankrupt and the Hungarian economy is also going south. Pouring resources into defending eRussia and eFrance would mean when the war finally arrive at the Hungarian or Indonesian door step there will be not much left for their own original provinces defense. So why not simply wipe out eRussia and use her rich provinces as bargaining chips? Why pay war reparations when you can offer Far-Eastern Russia, Western Siberia and Eastern-Siberia as a compensation for the occupation of Alaska? Hungary would keep the Eastern half of Russia and Indonesia her Asian empire and everybody would be happily consolidating before the beginning of WW4.

Therefore according to the Hungarian leadership the risk of an EDEN – Russian cooperation in Northern Caucasus is handsomely outweighed by the benefit of closing WW3 on a strong position, with a shining new colonial empire and without having to pay any war reparations.

The scenario they have in mind is the following: an open war with Ukraine means Hungary doesn’t have to spend over 1200 gold on declaring one. They have to pay only 60 gold on attacking the Ukrainian province of Subcarpathia. Even better: they don’t have to even win that battle. All it matters is since Russia has an MPP with Ukraine, those 60 gold buys them a brand new war with Russia. Taking Far East Russia and Eastern Siberia through an attack launched from Heilonjiang would be a breeze for the Hungarian military.

Then the “designated land-swapper” Iran takes over Xingjiang and Western-Siberia from Indonesia and promptly hands over Western Siberia to Hungary. This way Hungary and Indonesia don’t have to go at war with each other. As anyone can notice, Iran conveniently has no MPPs with either Hungary or Indonesia. That’s because of the job description of designated land-swapper.

By receiving Western Siberia Hungary is again able to attack Russia and conquer her remaining provinces. Who’s going to help Russia? Nobody! That’s the result of the Russian government’s poor negotiation skills and recent behavior.
When the Russians smarten up and start signing MPPs with EDEN it would be too late: it takes 2 days for an MPP to become effective but before that a peace treaty needs to be signed. Something which requires another 2 days. And 4 days it’s all it takes for Hungary to wipe out Russia.

The end of WW3 is definitely going to be worth watching.