-/Industry in V2\-

Day 323, 09:29 Published in USA USA by sirgermono

So, as you can see I'm trying a new article title format, hopefully no one uses this one.

Anyway, those of you that actually looked at the title will notice, its not V1, but V2! Version 2, what could be wrong with me, that won't be out for another year or so! Well, I think it is very important to start thinking about it, especially since V1 is coming out, and there will be inevitable problems...

Two things that need to be added in V2 would be an expanded transportation and energy industries. Here's why:

Transportation: Right now, all we have is tickets. You buy one, and boom, you're done, that's it. Personally, I think that to create a greater depth of play, the transportation industries should be expanded so that companies could own trains, planes, buses, ships, etc. Perhaps a train could be used for long distance transport of products (Like a train of grain from the Midwest to a food production center in New York.) Perhaps a plane trip would be equivalent to buying a Q4 ticket. Perhaps we could even go to the level where these companies choose were the provide service (perhaps a bus line runs from Indianapolis to Chicago, but not from Indianapolis to Detroit, for example, that's the Managers decision.)

Energy: Right now, the only equivalent thing would be Oil, which is being released in V1. But why not expand it? Why not create different ways to power things, gasoline for the transportation industry. Perhaps factories and production centers would need power to run... Maybe that would be coal, natural gas, solar, wind, I don't know...

Finally, just a simple change that I think might be useful is separate accounts for SO's and Government Positions, instead of having them as part of the population.

All of these things would add to the depth of play, keep people playing and encourage new people to join. Just some thunks, please comment.