[Independent] Aries For CP!

Day 2,288, 12:52 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

I have decided to declare under the banner of Libertas due to BG coordinating for congressional seats. I have strong ties with both parties, but I want it known that I will largely be running as an independent for this campaign. Before I get into my policies, I want to clear up my stances on certain issues that have been plaguing our country recently.

The BE/NL Scandal

Unfortunately the past month has been overshadowed by petty arguments between the governments of both countries. They have been firing pot shots at one another in the hopes that somehow one side will admit defeat to the other. I want it known that I take no sides on this issue. I am politically neutral.

I strongly believe that this kind of drama can only make things worse for both countries and should therefore not be propagated. I refuse to make matters worse on this issue, and I believe a CP should not ever get involved with such petty drama and politics. I can promise you all that next term will only bring us a step forward towards breaking down the drama between our two countries and get back to what this game is all about, fun.

The War With Germany

Yesterday I spent much of my time coordinating with our government and MUs like Praetorian Guard to protect our country. I was busy supplying and buying CO’s, much thanks to Brokenlove for his contribution, which I expect congress will be more than willing to reimburse. We are still fighting Germany and I want to make it clear that we need to hold out until then 26th at 6:00 for us to maintain a congress. Take it as a call to arms, but we need everyone fighting to hold the Germans back! I and many others will continue to fight for our country and we will succeed in maintaining a congress.

Look out for my next article with a full set of plans for my CP term and don’t hesitate to send me a message if you want to join my cabinet.

Until then,

Aries Prime