
Day 1,673, 07:07 Published in China China by synex520



20:50 anthrax_reyiz You have successfully donated **** USD. This amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.
20:50 anthrax_reyiz o7o7o7
20:55 synex520 ty, o7. btw, some Chinese friends and I wonder about that owls fight against Cyprus... could you tell me what happened? but If I say offends you, please excuse-I didn't mean to offend you...
20:56 anthrax_reyiz i'll explain
20:56 anthrax_reyiz in 15 minutes
20:56 anthrax_reyiz
20:56 synex520 ty

21:34 synex520 oh... the campaign didn't end, i feel sorry about that
21:35 anthrax_reyiz yeah
21:35 anthrax_reyiz but we're gonna win most likely
21:35 anthrax_reyiz div 1-2 is enough
21:35 anthrax_reyiz whatever
21:35 anthrax_reyiz i'll explain in shortly why we fight aganist cyprus 😃
21:35 synex520 hmm, ty 🙂
21:36 anthrax_reyiz inci left cyprus
21:36 anthrax_reyiz and we returned our first home usa
21:36 anthrax_reyiz cuz government stuff
21:36 anthrax_reyiz made us bored
21:36 anthrax_reyiz and we start to fight each other
21:36 anthrax_reyiz parties miliatry units
21:37 anthrax_reyiz started to hurt our unity
21:37 anthrax_reyiz cyprus was a good idea
21:37 anthrax_reyiz living together greeks & turkes
21:37 anthrax_reyiz turks*
21:37 anthrax_reyiz we succeeded
21:37 anthrax_reyiz then we were just bored
21:37 anthrax_reyiz 😃
21:38 anthrax_reyiz whatever
21:38 anthrax_reyiz we left cyprus and after now
21:38 anthrax_reyiz we select a country
21:38 anthrax_reyiz and fight aganist them
21:38 anthrax_reyiz in a week
21:38 anthrax_reyiz 😃
21:38 anthrax_reyiz this week luck one is cyprus
21:38 synex520 so it's just for fun?
21:38 anthrax_reyiz yeah
21:38 anthrax_reyiz 😃
21:39 synex520 I see, could I write about it in my news paper?
21:40 anthrax_reyiz ofc you can write
21:40 anthrax_reyiz but the next one might be chine 😃
21:40 anthrax_reyiz ops it's a little bit wrong
21:40 synex520 oh, let's found a big party 😃
21:40 anthrax_reyiz this isn't a threat or sth 😃
21:41 anthrax_reyiz if you write us
21:41 anthrax_reyiz send your article to us 😃
21:41 anthrax_reyiz we'd like to read it and make it int 😃
21:42 synex520 hmm, I see, but maybe I'll write in full Chinese, my English is noy enough good ti write an article
21:42 synex520 *to
21:43 anthrax_reyiz so be it 😃
21:45 synex520 nice talking to you today, hope to see you later, goodbye 🙂
21:46 anthrax_reyiz see you o/
開始每個禮拜找一個國家去針對,Cyprus就是他們這次的目標,並不是因為仇恨或者其他,just for fun。
最後還跟我說或許下次就是中國...我則是說一起來辦個大派對吧,畢竟不能示弱嘛 XD