[Important Referendum]A NEW Alliance

Day 1,091, 20:44 Published in North Korea North Korea by MeiFawAn

eIsrael is calling for a new alliance of uniting some little countries in this eWorld.The countries will be Israel, New Zealand, India, Denmark and South-Africa.Of course it has not been determined yet.
So let me know all what you think about it.

The draft of this new alliance is here:

Treaty of STAR

AIM OF STAR (Strategic Treaty of Alliance Reconciliation):
1. peace and stability and economic encouragement between the members;
2. forging closer relations between the governments and civilians of member nations;
3. ensuring the security of member nations,
4. live together in peace with one another,
5. to unite our strength to maintain peace and security amongst its members;
6. to ensure that armed force shall not be used against one another;
7. to employ diplomatic machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of the existing members;
Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives, have agreed to the present the Treaty of STAR and do hereby establish an organization to be known as STAR.

Article I. Terminology of the Alliance, Member nations and their Representatives

1. The following union of countries shall be formally named "STAR”
2. The nations who sign the treaty first will be considered Founding Nations. All future countries desiring to join STAR will be defined as Members but upon admission shall receive equal rights and privileges in the Alliance.
3. With the exception of Article II both Members and Founding Members shall be referred to simply as Members in this Treaty.
4. Every Member or Founding Member is obligated to contribute to the Alliance and its activities the following Representatives as specifie😛

4.1 Representative, in this case the President of the country.
4.2 Advisory Representative, shall be defined as person selected by the President of a Member nation to advise their Representative on the Security Council.

Article II. Membership. Admission, Duties and Membership termination

Becoming a Member. After requesting to join STAR to become a Member a country has to meet the following requirements:

1. Accept the terms and conditions stipulated in the STAR Treaty.
2. Be evaluated and proposed for entry by a Founding Member. If a Member wishes to make such a recommendation it can simply address a founding nation for support.
3. Receive unanimous vote from all Members and Founding Members in favor of admission into the STAR Alliance.
4. A major approval of the citizens and congress in prospects nation.
5. Once a nation receives Member status the Member will not be able to post a request for Membership Termination for the next 30 days.

Article III. The Duties and responsibilities of a STAR Member:

1. A Member should have MPPs with other Members with strategic value.
2. A Member must uphold the aim of the Alliance.
3. A Member must contribute personnel as explained in Article II paragraph 4.
4. Each member shall make a monthly contribution to the STAR organization. The sum per member will be adjusted accordingly to Security Council meetings.
5. Membership termination can be effecte😛
6. At the request of the Member in question. That Member however is bound by this treaty not to act aggressively against any other Member of STAR for a 30 day period after request of termination.
7. At the request of another Member. In this case a vote will be held with a required majority of over 75% to exact the Membership termination immediately.

Article IV. Security Council Protocol and Voting Structure.

1. Security Council. The STAR Security Council (SC) will exist of the Representatives (Presidents) of all Members Nations.
1.1. The STAR SC will essentially constitute the legislative and decision making body within the Alliance.
1.2. The STAR SC will be tasked with nominating, voting and advising for eventual new structures or commands necessary.
1.3. The SC will represent all countries equally and carry all decisions after logical and democratic debate followed by voting.
2. Voting. Each Member may express votes "In Favor", "Against" or "Abstain" regarding any proposal.
2.1. Only the Representatives of the Member countries and the Secretary-General have the right to vote on STAR matters.
2.2. Should the Representative be unavailable for various reasons the Advisory Representative will represent his country's interest and cast votes in his absence.
2.3. All important STAR related decisions need to pass a 24h debate period followed by a 24h voting period.
2.4. If a Member has failed to cast a vote in the allotted 48 h (24+24) time period it will be considered as Abstaining.
2.5. In times of crisis the Secretary-General has the right to call Emergency Votes Procedures which leave only from a minimum of 3 hours to 8 hours maximum time for debate, conclusions and voting.
3. Structure. STAR and its Members take it upon themselves to establish, maintain and actively run the following organization structures:
3.1. Secretary-General. Is nominated monthly from the pool of Representatives and Advisory-Representatives of its member nations. Occupying this position is the candidate that gathers a majority of votes from the Member nations.
3.2. Military Operations. The Military Commander is nominated from the pool of existing Member Nations Ministers of Defense or equivalent position. Confirmed by a majority of votes. The Supreme commander holds no voting power.

Article V. Diplomacy and Communication.

1. Diplomacy. Is defined as the Alliance approach towards Member and non-Member nations.
1.1. A Member has the obligation to inform the other STAR Members of any diplomatic moves it endeavors to make towards outside nations.
1.2. A Member shall not engage in diplomatic activities that harm other Members directly or their long-term goals.
2. Communication. All STAR Members take it upon themselves to facilitate communication between the member nations via: IRC chat rooms, forum and various channels designed to encourage communications.

Article VI. Economic Protocol.

1. Economic Protocols. Refer to how STAR members interact on an economic basis.
1.1. The Members have to establish a contribution quota corresponding to each Member that may vary depending on the current economic situation and economic climate.
1.2. No Member shall sign Economic Embargo treaties or against other Members or their official allies.
2. Treasury. A organization will be created to collect and manage the monthly deposits from all Members.

Article VII. Military Operations.

1. No Member nation may commence aggressive military or economical behavior towards another Member.
2. The Secretary-General, together with the Military Commander is tasked with the following:
2.1. Raise an unified STAR Elite army and maintain its combat readiness at all times.
STAR-ELITE should contain at least 5 to 7 soldiers per member nation with a minimum of 1000 strength.
3. Defense.
3.1. In the case of a Member being attacked by a Hostile nation all other Members are obligated to provide military and economic support.
3.2. No Member may deny another Member the privilege of an MPP treaty unless it provides them with a strategic vulnerability in front of Hostile neighbors.
4. Aggression. Military campaigns.
4.1. All intentions of long term military campaigns and declarations of war by a Member must be announced to the Security Council at least 24 hours in advance.
4.2. A vote will be held and if a 2/3 majority support the said aggression of that particular Member, all Members must commit their armed forces to the respective campaign in a strategy-wise manner in accord with their own economical and military status.
4.3. No Member shall answer calls for assistance from a non-member nation or aid against a fellow Member.

Article VIII. Amendments and Cancellation.

1. Amendments. All amendments to this treaty must be approved by a majority of 75%.
2. Cancellation. This treaty may be dissolved with a majority vote of 75%. After the vote has taken place the treaty will become void after 24 hours.
Article IX. Treaty Violation.

1. If a Member breaches Article VII paragraph 1, an Emergency meeting will be held with all members. If the aggressor is held responsible for breaching Article VII paragraph 1 by voting, membership of the STAR aggressor will be cease immediately.
2. If a Member feels that another Member has breached the terms outlined in this Treaty and brought prejudice to it's interests and automatically to the interests of the STAR Alliance it can file an official complaint to the Security Council.
2.1. If such a complaint is filed the Representatives must take a vote to validate the accusation. The vote is considered to be in favor of the accusation if it meets a majority of over 75% votes.
2.2. The Member that is found guilty of said Treaty violation can choose to either repair the damage caused as decided by the Security Council or accept a Reprimand.
2.3. If a Member collects over 2 Reprimands in the course of 30 days the Secretary-General is obligated to request a vote that terminates the offenders Membership.

