[ILP PP], Planning for the Future

Day 2,188, 13:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by Winston Hope Smith

Comrades & Colleagues

I would like to thank the membership of the Independent Labour Party for once again entrusting me with the Party Presidency.

As we are aware the membership of our Party has dropped and it is my aim for this month to stop & reverse this trend.

In the next few days I will be appointing a new ILP Leadership Board. Once again the members of this board will be trusted ILP members. This Board will then be tasked with rejuvenating the ILP with fresh ideas and policies.

This Board will also agree the new Party officers.

In the meantime I call on ILP members of old to consider rejoining this fine Party. Do it now and help shape the future of this Party.

Also ILP members should candidate now for Congress.

Until next time