[ILP PP] Congress Election & CP Candidate

Day 2,200, 23:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Winston Hope Smith

Comrades & Colleagues

A number of announcements for you today

First off I want to congratulate our team elected to Congress. The ILP topped the poll (just) and secured 12 seat in Congress. We got 44 votes which is up on the last election and I am very happy with that.

Presenting the ILP Congress Team

The ILP Policy review has started. We have agreed a Finance Policy that will serve as guiding principles for ILP members when running for office. This Policy is available to see on the New ILP Website
This site is still (slowly) getting built so keep checking back.
Our Party has moved on now to a discussion on the Leadership Council & internal election selection rules now.

Lastly I want to announce that the ILP are nominating a Citizen for Country President. This person is someone I hoped to persuade to run and I am delighted to announce he has agreed. Our candidate is long time member...

Expect an article from him soon...

Until next time