• Idea: The Unofficial Official Government of China •

Day 503, 21:22 Published in China Canada by Flem inc

We all know that Iran and Indonesia are not here to help China but to protect their own sorry ***es and rather than asking for our help (which we would have given them), they decided it would be better to just overrule us. So now they own our Official government and can make official laws and such.

Sadly, we cannot beat Indonesia or Iran in a game of votes, so we aren't going to magically win a majority on the 25th to take Congress.

They also probably wont go away because they have a vested interest in China and our ability to form a "Great Wall" (pun!)

Good news, They sort of need China to exist, so on that front we're doing pretty good, they still overrule us.

So I propose that we make an Unofficial Government regime that will have a President, Vice President, and Economic manager (and others if you want). These people will be known Chinese leaders who support China, not just Peace.

Opinions will be heard by all and we will vote for our unofficial President (Votes will only count from Chinese PP's and not Indo/Iran).

This government will WORK WITH Iran and Indonesia to make sure that they don't step on toes. I say work with because we aren't going to kick them out and should do our best to befriend them rather than just harass them.

I'd also like to see Logo release the Bank of China to the President so we may still operate with our own funds.

Modelcon, Laffo, and others can discuss variations if they please and I think one of those two should be Pres.

So consider the idea so we can keep a Chinese government.


I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE ALL BUSINESS OWNERS TO BUY/SELL ON THE BLACK MARKET AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! If you have questions on how to do that, ask me, but it's basically posting offers at 0.01 CNY, buying them, donating them, and receiving donations as payment. This way we wont pay taxes to a government that hasn't announced what it's doing (They fail at leading not because they are Iran/Indo, but because they don't bother to let us know what is going on).

*** At our new Government ***

Sorry. We don't like you. We don't trust you. So we don't want to be a part of you and your project. You don't keep us in the loop with what you're up to so we assume it's no good. I think we can get along though, you just need to open your yappers and tell us what's going on so we can work our problems out.