[IBhoy] Running for President

Day 1,590, 07:01 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967

Ireland, I write to you today to make you aware that I am running for President on the 5th of April. Those are words I thought I would never say again but I have been compelled to do so by the actions of a certain e-Irish lapdog of certain members of EDEN HQ.

An e-Irish player who has done pretty much nothing for Ireland since his last term as CP ended about a year ago, decided to conspire with certain members of EDEN HQ to try undermine the Irish Government with this shameful piece of crap.

Anyone that knows me, knows how much I have supported EDEN in my time in this game. However, I will not support a HQ that thinks it has the right to dictate to a member nation and interfere in it's politics because that member will not vote how they want them to at summits. EDEN HQ have crossed the line here into dangerous territory by trying to take out the current Government and replace it with one that will blindly vote how they are told in EDEN. Much like the EU in real life they seem to like heads of member states to be Yes men and will go to any lengths to make sure Yes men are placed there.

Did I go to meetings about possible future alliances that Ireland could possibly participate in should our people either decide to leave EDEN or if EDEN itself fell? Yes I did. I will never apologise for that. That's my job as part of the Irish Government- to follow every possible lead to see if it is the best course for Ireland. Nothing was agreed at these meetings and most of it is just small talk tbh. EDEN has been rocked to it’s core because of how badly the Bg-Tr affair was handled. Ireland did not cause these problems and has every right to make other arrangements should the worst come to pass in EDEN and not one of the HQ have any right to question us on it. I've been at meetings in the past where Serb-Cro reps have talked about alliances. I’ve been at meetings where the leaders of Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Spain, Hungary and Romania were present to discuss co-operation. If someone thinks that Ireland should blindly shut down all talks with any country other than those that are in EDEN, well then that person does not have Ireland at heart. I will continue to go to ANY meeting that concerns Ireland’s future and EDEN will not stop me from doing so. Ireland was the only EDEN country who chose a full EDEN member over a trial member. Yet we are now somehow being portrayed as the bad guys just for keeping our options open?

Don't be fooled into thinking we have betrayed anyone here. Irish Congress voted to leave EDEN last week. The vote had only 2 votes against leaving and 20-30 in favour of leaving. I took no part in this discussion at all. So will our elected congress now become the focus of the bithcing from these childish HQ members? No of course not, because our congress don't vote at EDEN summits. It was me, the guy Marcus tries to discredit, who asked for the vote to be re-considered. If I had not done that then there was an article coming out about how Ireland was leaving EDEN. That's how close we came to it. We would not be members of EDEN now if I had not asked for this to be re-considered. Everyone in the previous congress can check back on the group PM and remind themselves exactly what I said on the matter. Long story short I could not have made a more pro-EDEN argument no matter how hard I tried.

However that is not good enough for certain members of EDEN HQ. They would prefer someone that will not block Turkey from entering the alliance. A decision was actually taken by the Government not to block this and we planned to abstain with our vote. However, Turkish reps decided that the best way to deal with us was to insult us. One of them decided to mock us by claiming we have a population of 25. When dealing with such arrogance it was decided by the Irish rep that we would show them that 1 of those 25 people had a vote in the alliance they have been trying to enter for months now. Ireland will respect those who show us respect. Right now the only thing keeping Ireland in the alliance is our bonds with Croatia. However, some members of EDEN HQ seem to think that they have the right to critisize our RL Croatian contingent here in e-Ireland. I simply will not sit here and let them away with this. Since the very beginning of e-Ireland we have accepted everyone into our community no matter where they are from in real life. We have had Irish, Croatians, Bulgarians, Americans, Canadians, Greeks, French, British, Polish, Serbians and just about every other nationality here in Ireland and so long as their intentions are not to harm e-Ireland then they have been made welcome here. For members of EDEN HQ to be so arrogant to think they have the right to pick on one section of our community here goes against everything e-Ireland has always stood for. The people they are picking on are e-Irish. And I’ll defend any e-Irish citizen in such a case. We may fight amongst each other a lot but that is our right. It’s not the right of others outside of the e-Irish community to try to affect e-Irish politics.

I'm sending a message to EDEN HQ right now. Stop trying to destabilise my country. You've done a good enough job of that already with the Bulgaria affair. Using lapdogs to release stuff in our media to destabilise our politics will not be tolerated. I will ask that the original vote to leave EDEN be officially recognised if certain members of HQ do not cease this retarded activity. If you want to see the definition of pig-headedness manifest itself in the form of an e-country, then continue with your school yard bully boy tactics. If you want Ireland to co-operate with you then you have to show us some respect. We have a right to talk to and to meet whoever we want and we will not blindly follow you unless you get your act together. If you want to go the route of dirty tricks then you will not gain you any respect from us.

I am an EDEN supporter and have been for a long, long time. I kept Ireland in EDEN last week when congress voted to leave. I opposed the calls of a faction led by SHM for us to leave EDEN and join ONE when we were wiped last year. The idiot you used to release logs in the Irish media yesterday also actually tried to get Ireland into ONE last year when we met with Avie, then Polish CP. EDEN HQ members having the bare-faced cheek to interfere in Irish affairs will not keep Ireland in EDEN. Showing us respect and backing off and letting us handle our own affairs will end a lot better for you.

If I am elected President then Ireland will stay in EDEN, but I will not tolerate dirty tricks being played on my people or my country. I’ll go to any meeting I want if I think Ireland needs to participate and I do not need EDEN’s permission to do so.

The ball is in your court. Do not f*ck with my country or my people. Show us respect and we’ll stay in EDEN. If you want to put my back against the wall then I promise you I will come out fighting.

To Ireland

My dearest Ireland, I am not running for President as an ICA man, as an IPP nor Labour man. I don’t give a crap about parties. I’ve always wanted Ireland to succeed and have done everything I could to try make that happen. I never intended to run for CP again after the last time, but I feel I’ve been left with no choice in this now. I won’t write a big manifesto because they are pointless and are never fulfilled anyway. I’ll work as hard as I can for Ireland like I always have, whether I am elected or not. To the people who will probably never like me, I’ll say that I want to represent you as much as anyone else. Even if I don’t agree with some people here on certain things, deep down I respect anyone that loves e-Ireland. I am simply looking for a mandate for Ireland to remain as an EDEN nation, but not as a Yes man, and to be free to conduct our own affairs without interference from EDEN. I want to honour our deal with UK if elected. Anyone that wants a place in cabinet or just wants to help out in any way just send me a PM please.

“A family of Irish birth will argue and fight,
but let a shout come from without,
and see them all unite.”

PS Dicky: Lay off the drugs.