[IBB4CP] Finally, a Platform!

Day 2,232, 12:13 Published in Canada Canada by I-Bleed-Blue-93

Hello again my fellow eCanadians,

I'd first like to apologize on being so late with these articles as I've been under the weather for the past week or so and have been mostly unable to get to a computer. But, without further ado I come to you today with an outline of my platform for the upcoming month and with some things I'd like to impliment upon election to office.

I'm going to make this fairly simple for all you readers, as I have done so in the past, I will simply name a problem/situation/circumstance that effects eCanada right now then say where I stand on it/what I plan to do about it/how I plan to deal with it.

I'll start with some easy ones.

Taxes are fine, they provide us with enough without taking any more than needed out of the pockets of you. Therefore, they will be untouched.

Foreign Affairs:
Many of our allies are fairly set in stone at this point, however, with the winds of change always blowing and the loyalty of TWO to itself being questioned at every corner, one must always be prepared to make new unexpected friends, or perhaps discover that some allies of old aren't on your side at all.

Regardless, I plan to hold counsel with the outgoing FA team and Exalted Druid to gauge how their communications were with various nations. I would do this to ensure that the CP transition would slow talks as little as possible and to guarantee that relationship building occur unhindered.

New Player Retention:
Now, this has been an issue for countless CPs and many have tried innumerable things to get the young blood to stay. Many of these attempts have been quite in vain. I do however think that the project undertaken by Utat and the CP's for which he worked as MoE were quite worthwhile and deserve another looking into.

Therefore, I will confer with Utat and see if there is something we can set up to try to ensure these new players feel welcome, inspired and even sort of WANT to log back in each day.

Now for some trickier subjects:

Internal Affairs:
We all know there has been some seperation in eCanada as of late, in part because of political allegiances, in part because of how different people play the game, and a dozen other reasons.

Regardless, we are all eCanadian, and clearly that is one thing we should all be working for together. No I'm not saying national unity, that gets boring and stale, I'm calling national cooperation on certain levels. Whether it be war, politics, or economy it doesn't matter.

Through certain levels of cooperation in certain areas we can all benefit.

Now calm down folks, we're just talking about it right now, there is still plenty of planning and plenty more discussion to go on before we just NE the closest thing in a desperate attempt to get TP gold which will likely end up with us simply getting wiped.

Nobody wants a wipe, but almost nobody wants peace. I've already spoken to several military "experts" and political adversaries about the idea of who, when, and why we should go to war.

Now, I can't guarantee a target, I can't guarantee the reason, but we must have some sort of war. I will provide one, regardless of who it may be against or why. We all need someplace to unload our built up tension and I will find us that outlet.

French Integration:
As an ever growing voice in eCanadian society, the French-Canadian Community and language is an important concern that I feel needs addressing.

As many members of eCanada's premier Francophone party, the PFC, are close colleauges of mine, I would like to further work on integrating French language into our society.

Such measures would include, but not be limited to, translating important Government Articles/Documents to French (with the help of these colleagues), as well as providing translation services where needed with the help of our French Community.

Now, my Cabinet thus far is neither complete, nor secured. I've asked several colleagues of mine and only a few very specific roles have been filled.

From this moment until I announce my Cabinet on the 2nd of January, I WILL BE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FROM ANY and ALL CANDIDATES. If you feel you are fit for, deserving of, or feel you can help out in a certain Ministry or Subject do not hesitate to apply.

Applications can be sent via PM and should Include; desired field, past experience, and field specific experience. I don't care what party you are from, I don't care who you have problems with or who your best friend is. I'm trying to build a team that will work for eCanada.

Nothing less.

In closing, I would like to thank the parties who have already endorsed me and I would like to ask all of Party Presidents to consider making me their Candidate.

As always if you have any questions, comments, concerns or otherwise don't hesistate to fire away in the comments sections, in a PM or wherever else you may consider feasible.

Thank you eCanada, for your time and consideration.

Highest regards,

[IBB4CP] Platform!
