[IAF] War with Serbia + Updates

Day 875, 13:24 Published in India India by Indian Armed Forces
India declares war on Serbia

Yes, we are doing it. We are declaring war upon Serbia. Why? Because we've waited long enough, we've had the Serbs at our border for over 2 months and now in one of our regions too and it's enough. We are going to take back what is rightfully ours and push back the Serbs from our borders. And no, for those thinking we are not neutral, this is not some kind of order from EDEN, this is an attack from the neutral nation of India. We have the right to attack Serbia and take back what is rightfully ours.

Next to that, for those saying that we are telling lies 'n stuff as we still have the US in our country. That is our wish! And we do not! wish Serbia in our country or at our borders. So this is a legit movement from the Indian government and we're looking forward to claim back Rajasthan.

Indians, prepare and mobilize. Make sure you have weapons and gifts ready. It will be a tough fight, Serbia is no enemy that we can beat any minute, it will require teamwork and it will require hard work. But hey! Didn't we grow through teamwork and working hard? Yes we did! India is a nation of survivors and fighters and that is exactly what we are going to show the world. We are going to prove the world that India can stand up for it's rights and it can defeat a bigger enemy, we've done it before and we'll do it again!
Jai Hind!

Restructuring the Indian Armed Forces

You may have noticed it, this month we are looking to finally get a structure for the IAF that will hold longer than just one president. Therefor we'll need to restructure our army again, but after that we hope it will stay for many months.
I've been talking about my plans on the forum for a few days now and I'd like to share some updates about it with you.

Currently we have 3 Battalions, Gorkha Rifles, Ladakh Scouts and the Brigade of the Gaurds. I'm looking to have two: One with the active people and the other with the less active guys. The active people will be divided into squads of 6 and work together closely. They'll be trained and they'll be coached when v2 will arrive. These peopel will be the main force of our army as they are online at least a few hours a day and are willing and able to fight for India where and when that's needed. The squads will contain people who live in the same time zones, as much as that's possible. A lot of them will of course be pure Indian squads, so that's easy, but we also have foreign guys and I'll try to put them together as much as possible so they can be online together too. As it's better to have people online together rather than having 3 and the other 3 asleep as it's midnight at their place.

The less active Battalion will of course contain anyone else. These people will receive standard orders through the papers, if they read them of course and they'll do like we're doing now. They'll probably be there when it comes to fighting for Indian ground, but if we need our forces somewhere else I just don't think they're active enough to do so, that's why.

Version 2
With v2 getting insight, we'll need to think about what to do next. As this will change the way battles are fought a lot. At the moment we just fight a wall, with the new version we'll finally get into strategic warfare on the battlefield as well, not just on the big world map. Something I personally am in favor of as a fan of RTS games 🙂
As you probably know, we'll get four kinds of soldiers: The Riflemen, the Tanks, the Helicopters and the Artillery, each having it's own bonus on fighting one kind of unit and terrain. What I'm looking for to do is have the active squads divide into a 2-2-1-1 system. For example: 2 Riflemen, 2 Helicopters, 1 Tank and 1 Artillery. This way we have all round squads that can deal with any kind of enemy and since they're all active we can call a different squad in quickly, if needed. Next to that we'll need people who can work out good strategies. So if you are an RTS lover, get ready to read maps and find out the best tactics for our army, so that we can have battle plans ready quickly if needed. Of course we don't know everything yet, but I hope that we'll be able to look at the battlefields of our regions when there's no war going on too. And that they will not change with every battle. That way we can have scenario's ready and use them if needed. If this is not the case, we'll need to analyze the terrain and work out plans every battle, maybe a bit boring, but if you like tactics, I'm sure you'll love it.

So that's it for now, we're going to war with Serbia and I'll try to get us a good structure too. Hope this will work out as we've got battles to think of too and of course we're looking foward to v2. If you have any questions, feel free to message this account or my personal account BroodRoosterNL

Jai Hind!

Indian Minister of Defence