[IA] Vote for Mr Kitty (Steven Bosch) in Mpumalanga

Day 1,191, 08:30 Published in South Africa South Africa by Steven Bosch

Ok, so everyone is giving their CV's and stuff.

I, have done some things in this country in the past.
I have negotiated, worked, fought and done whatever I could to make this place a better ecountry.

Unfortunately, I can't fully remember my CV, but there was something like 3 to 4 terms as Minister of Intel, 2 terms as VP, 2 terms as president, 2 terms as Minister of Foreign Affairs and some time as the Speaker of Parliament. As with Ines, at the time that we were in Airborne in the US, we couldn't be part of congress.

I do remember a time (at the start of the second republic) when Ines and I had to sit in the country with basically no economy and no means of working, fighting or anything.

But the above mentioned in all honesty is not the reason why you should vote for me.
I believe that my biggest strength is the ability to listen to the people. And that is what I intend to do as congress-kitty. Represent you.

So vote Steven Bosch in Mpumalanga,
I am a kitty and I'm here to serve.