[IA] Vote for me again on the 15th!

Day 1,604, 11:26 Published in South Africa South Africa by mulderpf

So this month it's going to be short and sweet (as short as I can be).

I want to continue the good work I've been doing in the Independent Alternative. We have some momentum going and I still want to keep it going before giving it over to someone else.

What have we achieved in the last month?

* We re-introduced Phuza Thursday. We are the only party in the country to have Phuza Thursday. (Hence we are also the slowest party on Fridays).
* We took the biggest party in eSouth Africa and changed it into the best party.
* We opened a pretty cool IRC channel. It's growing slowly - so remember to pop in and say "hi".
* We had amazing results in the congress elections - officially kicking butt.
* We increased the IA's media exposure.
* We managed to find creative ways of advertising, specifically found a nice spot on the PSU forum.
* Our party had the best presidential candidate this month.

Come on - vote for me.

That's all.