[IA] Interview with madam president!

Day 1,640, 01:41 Published in South Africa United Kingdom by Mad Johnson

Dear eSouth Africa community

Today we bring you an exclusive interview with the new party president of the Independent Alternative party. Vanessa1309 has taken a few minutes out of her busy e-schedule to talk to us...

IA Press Director (me): Vanessa1309, you were recently elected as the new party president for the Independent Alternative party in eSA. How do you feel your election campaign went?
Vanessa1309: I was extremely happy and pleasantly surprised with the amount of support I received, it far outweighed what I expected 🙂

IA Press Director: What are your goals for the term?
1. Party Image - We plan to splash a bit with communication this month and heavily promote IA to the country. UP is on a massive drive and I am preparing to halt them so this should be an objective.
2. Recruitment - with many new players joining daily, we will target these newbies and invite them with open arms into IA. We have set a target of 5-10% increase in members.
3. Congress - We will aim for at least 40% of congress seats.
4. Forum and IRC - We will be encouraging newbies to join both forum and IRC to become more involved with eRep, most, if not all of us are really here because of the friendships we have forged, we need to make new ones.

IA Press Director: Tell us a bit about yourself…
Vanessa1309: I started long ago in eRep, Jan 2010 and have made slow progress as I have never bought gold, although I have given into temptation recently and borrowed a fair share 😉 I am RL old friends with Al Kazar and Grimstone who are the two responsible for getting me hooked in the first place lol. I first became serious in eRep when I joined eSAAF and quickly made my way through the ranks. I made many good friends there that I still hold dear today. I made it up to the top, was CO of Pretorian Guard, but unfortunately I was retrenched from work and had to leave my position and in fact eRep for a couple of months. I have since started working for a software company and so have access once more 😃 Since coming back, I've jumped back into congress and am deputy speaker this term for Al Kazar. I was on IRC and Mulderpf convinced me to run for PP, he has so much faith in me 😃 I decided to go for it since I could have someone assist me, namely you lol. I am also happy to report that I am the newly appointed Captain to Assegai Prospects and hope to also grow that platoon substantially so we can train more heavy hitters for Assegai. There is a lot of work to be done in the coming days and I'm chuffed to have your assistance in this, we will make a difference this term!

IA Press Director: With the last two eSA presidents coming from the IA. Do you have plans to run for eSA president in the near future?
Vanessa1309: I am not looking at running for CP in the near future simply because I cannot be online every day, but only while at work, but I can say that we already have 2 fantastic prospects for CP from IA for the next term 😉

IA Press Director: How can IA members contact you if they have questions or wish to contribute to the party?
Vanessa1309: I am always open to suggestions and am available week days on IRC as well as the forum, failing that, a pm in game would do the trick too.


As you can see IA has big plans this term. Feel free to contact Vanessa1309 or any of our members.

Take care
Press Director of the IA
Passionate IA member

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