“I Support David Forde”- A message from india101

Day 1,161, 19:36 Published in India USA by India101

David Forde, is a highly respected military general in my eyes and it seems that he has even started his own company now! He is now up for relection and I support him. This country needs someone new on the job![no offence to current present whom I also respect] David is just the person we need to get us out of this Indonesia situation.

My Take on the Indonesia Situation
The Indonesian War when it was first proposed seemed like something fun and a change. I was very bored at the time with a very inactive media, and a pretty stable economy I felt bored. I also thought that China was for sure going to accept the MPP and with our two nations together we would unite like we did against China. But our Chinese ally REJECTED the MPP proposal in congress, and this was a big surprise. Then I became a little bit more shaky on the war. Finally when the economic problem hit us hard, I started opposing the war. I saw an article that said only 3 people are fighting and I wasn’t fighting because I recently purchased a company. I need all the funds that I can get especially with a competitive grain market. I have to still keep lowering prices and it seems to me that my salary is slowly deteriorating. I want to get enough money so I can start hiring workers, that is why I am not fighting.

Make the Right Choice on the 25th
I urge all citizens to make the right choice at the ballot tomorrow. Please I cannot stress the importance of voting. Please use this democratic ability of voting to voice your opinion in government. As a citizen it is YOUR POLITICAL DUTY to vote. Please as I have mentioned what I am doing this term in a previous article vote for me. Even a congressmen can do many things. We are losing regions, therefore we need to fill all the seats.

Indian Companies Be STRONG!!
Indian companies I know how hard the economy is and many companies are starting to work with only their company owners. I understand as I own my own grain company. Please whatever you have to do please keep your company alive and going at least. Indian workers usually just don’t Hoard their money! They usually spend it! Well if theres nothing really to spend it on then a Hoarding habit while start to develop.

Hindustani Grains- We hire Indian, are in India, support India, and are from India! Buy our Grain on the market to ensure the growth of a company that helps the economy grow!

Jai Hind,
Indian Congressmen
Owner of Hindustani Grains