[HN] Why I am Disappointed by suzhaimiz

Day 908, 17:29 Published in Malaysia USA by Sir Hypnotoad

This will be different than my usual articles; in that it will discuss only one topic. My disappointment in the supposed President, suzhaimiz. Oh, and this will be somewhat long, so just bear with me.

First of all, why? Why suzhaimiz? Well, he was the only person interested in running. That speaks volumes about the state of eMalaysian affairs. When the only candidate is uninterested in doing anything; it is sad, so very sad. I would have run, but am forbidden to be a Country President while also being Sol Chairman.

Secondly, how active is he? Hardly active at all, if you couldn't tell. He hasn't even logged onto the National Forums since March 13, 2010! This is bad all by itself; but is even worse in that Government media presence has dropped to zero. Sure, we haven't received bountiful Government information in the media for over half a year, but there is usually a little. The last communication that the Government has had with the average eMalaysian was 7 days ago announcing the Cabinet. If I may note, our President appears to not have any desire to write things in his newspaper, even things as important as his Cabinet. That article was, in fact, published by Spykerman, Madame Vice-President.

Thirdly, the Cabinet. I am extremely disappointed in his Cabinet. In my opinion, 6 people cannot run a nation effectively. Now, I have special issue with our Minister of Foreign Affairs, nevvven. Why? He lives in eCanada, with eSouth Korean citizenship! Gee, sure sounds like he should be a government member 😑.

Fourthly, his platform. Sure, it looks good; but have we seen any effort to accomplish any of these goals? No.
"I would like to keep the current cabinet line up members for last month since we had a lot of our experience players leaving the game. It would be great if they still here but we have to move on. "
That didn't happen. If you don't believe me, take a peek at Carr De Vaux's last Cabinet.
Another issue with the platform is his section on the military. He gives plans for an army, but we have seen nothing. While looking at his Cabinet, it says "the army commanders of TUAH SQUADRON & PASKAU will answer to the President directly!". No mention of who the Commanders are. Way to be transparent.
In his section on Foreign Affairs, he shows us exceedingly vague foreign directives, including "I'm a strong believer that the bond between us and each nation should be maintained. ". I think he has gone a little far, putting a foreigner in the Cabinet.
Ah, the economics section. More lies. "There will be discussion either we need to review the tax or not. I believe our congressman and woman will debate on it. We need active congress members than the one passive one. ". There have been no signs, whatsoever that he plans to do this. None. Zero. There is not even any attempt to get Congressmen active.
My final issue with his platform is the final section, titled "Interaction"." One thing I want comment about the eMalaysia. The forum is kind in coma. I would suggest the IRC as the main communication. Even if you got slow connection, you can still communicate with each other. People need to be more active. There will be an update on the current issues regularly but people need to read the articles. " Sure, sounds good, but has he really tried to do anything at all? And, what a great solution. The forums are dead, so let's just abandon them, and go onto the inactive IRC channel while the nation slowly rots. Whew, that sounds like fun to me. He also lies, by telling us that there will "be an update on the current issues regularly". How can I say this? The q2 food profiteering. It would be nice to have at least a Government article saying that they at least know what the hell is going on! They have shown no sign of even caring at all.

I live my life by several personal mottoes. One of them is "Lead, follow, or get out of the way.". We have selected Mr. suzhaimiz to lead, but he appears to just want to get out of the way. At this point, I don't even consider him "President". He is nothing more than a glorified two-clicker.