! Hello Bolivia ¡ Hola amigos !

Day 857, 09:09 Published in Bolivia Ukraine by Johann von Babau

Dear Subscriber,
This article was written for citizens of Bolivia if you interested in read, comment it and of course vote if not just vote. 😉 I think it will not take a lot of your time. THANKS for understanding.

¡ Hola amigos !

First of all, I would like to say : "Thank you for given chance to take part in Bolivian political life!" I respect you! I will not let you down! Together we will build harmony and prosperity in Bolivia. I want to take active position in Bolivian life!

Second, I would like to propose you a line of changes or improvements in economy and army, but first I should understand your vision of the situation.

so THANKS A LOT and see you in ebolivian forum (I am going to register now)

eBolivian Congressman,

Johann von Babau .

Muchas gracias por el tiempo que habéis perdido leyendo ese artículo