^.^ Happy Belated Birthday to Me! ^.^

Day 963, 18:18 Published in USA USA by PrincessMedyPi

Greetings eRepublikans!

Today, when I woke up on 7/7/10, I realized it was my second eBirthday. My citizen is sexy as ever and has somehow managed to make it through two, mostly painfully boring years of existence in eRepublik. Don’t get me wrong, there has been a lot of fun here, but my existence has been mainly rote and sterile. Rather than focusing on the crappiest birthday present ever (V2), I would rather take some time to talk about what this game has meant to me.


At the moment, I’m far too lazy to do this in its entirety. So, I first say, read this if you’re curious about my history. Second, I want to take time to reflect on a few things in my eLife that have brought me joy.

Nicolae Carpathia as PEACE Secretary General. He was the best propaganda writer this game has ever seen, and he did it while role playing the Antichrist from the Left Behind Series. I reallly miss that guy.

blink-az and flik_kenni traveling around the world tanking. I would literally tune in to see how much damage their merry band of training fools could do. It always brought manly tears to my eyes because it was so beautiful.

The Late Night Crowd on #us. This group was amazing. We would talk about the most ridiculous things ... normally revolving around sex and booze. Trisk, Jtree, nomadbishop, Gates Schellinger, Erwin Schaumann, pierricbross, and the rest of you merry band of idiots ... I salute you o7

The Captain Planet Roll on the eRepublik Forum, circa November 2008. Emerick, Geno Garon, me, and a few others trolled some post by going all “earth, fire, wind, water, heart, go planet...” complete with matching images. If I recall correctly, Gnoltac even ended it properly with the evil dude going “I’ll get you planet.” I believe Geno was wind, and I was water...but I cannot recall who else was there. (Note: If you were in on this, please say what your role was in the comments, it’s driving me insane not remembering all the details.)

The Be Yourself Campaign circa January 2009. This is the time Jewitt and I got together and decided to launch a campaign to encourage people to use their RL photos as their avatars and get to know one another better. It started a trend, and it was mighty fun.

Joe’s eTavern on the US Forums. A place of pure ridiculousness at its finest. Posting pictures of liquor and chicks -- and youtube videos of some righteous tunes. I loved this place.

Ogling boys with Claire Littleton. We used to do this in the RL Pics thread all the time. Especially over ClammyJim. Man, he’s a hottie.

Is This The Real Life. Shooting this show with Justin was the funnest thing I’ve ever done in this game. I even remember getting pulled into a show where I had no time to ready anything because of IRL. I have tapped into that nostalgia once again by hanging out with Kyle321n on Fightin’ Round the World. Speaking of which, I really enjoyed jacking his show last week with Inwegen. Intoxicated babbling ftw!

Gossiping and failboating with Dickie Brophster. There is no other man who can possibly compare to this man. He is almost the closest thing to a hero I can have...besides GF, ofc.

My work streak with Publius. I snapped it at 359 days. But, for those 359 days, we celebrated with o/ every night. I <3 you, Pub.

My love affair with GLaDOS. This man and I go waaaaayyyyyy back. He even invaded the USA to free me. What can be said about him that hasn’t been said already? In all reality, without him, I wouldn’t even have made it back to the game.

Skype & RISK. After I was banished from the USA, I spent a lot of time with then President Jewitt and his merry band of misfits (Gaius, Kyle, Brad, Bobert, and Pig) in their little secret lair. After a while, we really got into playing RISK. We would hop on Skype calls and play risk together. Some of the best nights I’ve had in this game were those nights...especially the time Brad, Bobert, and I took out Jew, Kyle, and Gaius. But, nothing can beat the partnership of me and my eRep bestie, Jewitt. Pretty sure we have a 4-1 record. I can’t wait to play again.

What’s Next?

As I’ve said before, I have no interest in pursuing the big seat now. A lot of people have asked, and I will continued to give you the solid answer of “I’m not interested in being President.” So, what am I doing?

As always, staying active on IRC. You can typically always find me on the Rizon server under Mellie or PrincessMedyPi in rooms ranging from #euk to #usa-chat to #sees.

Kicking it with the UKRP. This group is a bunch of cool cats. I’m going to be helping them in various capacities to help get me back into the game.

Playing more RISK. Once Jewitt is back from a vacation IRL and Brad is done being POTUS, we are going to RISK it up again.

Getting my podcast on. I’m sure there are a lot of you who might remember when I used to do Is This The Real Life? with Justin. Well, I’m starting up a new show! Retox Monday is my newest adventure with my partner in crime, Inwegen. If you all don’t know Inwegen, you should because he’s pretty awesome. So, every Monday night, grab a tasty beverage and join us for a show covering the week’s events!

Restarting Propaganda Now! Retox Monday is part of the Propaganda Now! team. Inwegen and I, along with kyle321n and the creators of PN, Geno Garon and Nascent, are bringing back an epic new source. There are a variety of news shows, and hopefully soon, the written news source will be back up and running as well. As, I am lazy, I think kyle321n explains it best.

For now, I bid you adieu, and I hope to see you all in #retox.monday on Monday at 20:00 server time!
