[Greece] EDEN Newsleaf - Day 631

Day 631, 06:46 Published in Greece Romania by Mistwalker

Good day everyone! 🙂

A lot has happened in the last few days and the Brotherhood of EDEN feels that some of the information gathered and these events must be adressed accordingly. So please bear with me as this may threaten to be a long article again. Also it would greatly help me if someone were to translate this article in his/her native language and send me a PM so that more people have the chance to read and understand what's going on around the world.

Article summary:

1. Spanish gold, justice served ?
2. The liberation of Greece.
3. EDEN, a growing community.
4. Author's opinions.

1. Spanish gold, justice served ?

As you all might have heard by now, Spain was dealt a heavy blow recently as they lost 16.000 gold and well over 60.000 ESP in what seemed to be the most controversial bank theft in the history of eRepublik.

Most likely the entire truth, circumstances and motives will never be known but this is what has happened so far:

The Spanish National Bank org had among its assets a q1 wood company that was on sale for a very long time for the value of 35 gold. Two days ago the PEACE agents that were monitoring the Spanish org and its activities noticed that the 16k gold that were in the Bank's accounts were gone and the PEACE Supreme Commander chanced it and bought the company. It seemed that someone had moved all the gold and currency there overnight and no one had noticed in time from the people who were supposed to be in charge of the Bank.

From here a huge scandal ensued as no one knew who was it that moved the money there and it was believed that someone had somehow gained access there by injust means. So great was the ammount in question that the admins were forced to intervene and freeze the 16k gold until the matter was to be resolved. Whether this was a mistake on the governor's part or an act of foul play is still in question the results are obvious: the seemingly endles coffers of PEACE was enriched by another huge ammount of gold. From the Supreme Commander of PEACE 7k gold left for Hungary's National Bank and another 7k for the one of France. The rest of the gold and ESP currency was probably held by the Supreme Commander White Horse for personal use.

While chances for a succesful resistance now seem slim, the battle still rages on in Spain as today the siege of the high iron region of Asturias is still in full swing.

2. The liberation of Greece.

As dark events unfold over Western Europe and across the Atlantic Ocean in the eUSA a ray of sunshine comes forth from the darkness, the source: a struggling nation on the southern tip of the Balcan Peninsula - Greece.

This country has been conquered by its then more powerful neighbour Turkey almost a year ago and has been since fighting on the long and arduos path of self-determination and freedom. After the release a few months back of Central Greece due to the valiant efforts of the United States Army and their elite Marine Corps supported by the Greek freedom fighters and expeditionary corps and tanks from EDEN countries whose involvement led to a violent engagement with PEACE troops and tanks... Turkey's economy dwindled and failed day after day.

In a final desperate effort to save their economy and country Turkey relying heavily on PEACE support (that has yet to come) has declared war on Greece and began assaulting it's two main regions in Macedonia and Central Greece, when it was obvious that they would not win in the first few days they moved to a war of attrition hoping to keep atacking regions until the allies of Greece which even now provide heavy support through MPP's were busy somewhere else. But that plan was destined to fail as with counsel from its allies and the daring decisions of president Jaguaros, Greece retreated from Crete just as they were about to win a victory against Turkey in Central Greece and so with a final engagement won, game mechanics allowed them to go on the offensive and by help of their MPP's start winning back those parts of their country which Turkey still held.

While the conflict is still ongoing Greece has already managed to secure no less than 3 of their original regions that were previously under Turkish occupation.

Greece has always been a good friend and ally to the nations of EDEN despite it's status as a neutral country and we welcome and share in the joy of their upcoming liberation.

3. EDEN, a growing community.

Things have not been silent in the countries that form the Brotherhood of EDEN either, a continuos gathering of active presidents and ministers from all nations takes place daily on the secret chat-rooms of the community leadership. In truth I've never once joined one of those rooms with a feeling of awe and formality, it's always been like walking into a room full of friends that are always ready to impart wisdom and help to everyone around them.

The organisational body for this month as elected and then confirmed by the presidents is:

Supreme Commander - Shoot
Assistant SC - Gabriel Lavanche
Commander of Combined Forces - Mogwaiii
PR Representative and spokesman - Mistwalker

All of us and the representatives of nations like Croatia, Finland, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Romania are currently working on a treaty which we hope will further smooth things over between our countries and help pave a way for our young alliance into the future.

As we speak our nations and allies from the USA and Canada are preparing to wage their war of liberation and have agreed upon a common chain of command and organisation of the Allied Forces of EDEN and Fortis.

So please subscribe here and vote the articles for further news.

Your support is most appreciated. 🙂

4. Author's opinions.

This was the summary of what has been going on for the past few days and my dear friends it's not even half of what I could tell, I only hope that it is enough to keep you all apprised to the happening going on in our current Age of eRepublik development.

For most of you things may seem pretty bad, and it would be a lie to deny it isn't so but just because tha path before us seems to be darkened by recent events I urge you all to remain calm and united. EDEN is in fact the unity we all strive so hard to achieve between countries, a network of friendship that we hope will serve to bring all of our peoples toghether under a common cause and for victory through Unity.

We may fall, but we will rise again. We may lose all of our money, but we will make them back and more. As long as we all stay under a banner of friendship we will grow and we will prosper, no matter how many countries wish to harm us or take from us what is rightfully ours.

May we all have the success we deserve and harvest the fruits of our just work. After all "Dreams create realities, through hard work." 🙂

Thank you all for bearing with me until the end.
Mistwalker - EDEN spokesman.

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