[GPN] Pass the Reigns, Old Man!

Day 2,060, 09:40 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

I’m Running for Party President!

That’s right, I have decided to step up and take over as party president for the upcoming month. van Spijck is a good PP, Commander, CP, and even greater friend, but I have decided to challenge him for the position. I believe that we could benefit from a change in leadership for a month or two, and I will still be keeping him on as VP at the very least.

What is GPN Today?

In the beginning, we were a small minority of players who wanted to break the grasp the other parties had on Netherlands. We were also not always on top. In fact, we used to be at the bottom. We were also the party for the little guy, and still are.

Today, we are the largest party in the country and have had a strong position over Netherland’s politics for a long time now. We still value the little guy, and we are very much against Polish occupation and for continued resistance.

The thing that makes GPN so great is that we have a very basic viewpoint when it comes to how we think Netherlands should be run. We think the game should be played on the game, not on some offsite forums where a few players like to control and decide our future. We believe that government should be working to help people and cater to their needs with programs and advice. When people don’t want something to be changed or don’t need help, we think government should get the hell out of the way!. The thing is, we realize people just want to play this game for their own reasons and have a bit of fun, regardless of how involved or active they are. And perhaps most importantly, we believe in active and continued resistance against Poland and anyone who supports them.

Perhaps we are not the party for everyone, but we are the party for the average player, the guy who logs in, fights for his/her country, tries to make a small difference, and logs out. There is even room for those of us who are more ambitious and want to help make eLife just a little bit easier for these players. Our goal is to help the average player keep on having fun playing the game for their own reasons, not for some alternative agenda.

Check out our IRC channel on server Rizon, #Geuzen.

And One More Thing…

I’m running for CP in August.

Minister of Defense
Aries Prime