[GOV] Wargames

Day 822, 14:43 Published in Singapore Singapore by Kryteshyft

Alright Singapore, it's that time of the month again, and

Our MPP with Malaysia is about to expire.

As you know, the cost of MPP's has gone up from 30 gold for each country to 100 gold for each country. So to renew our MPP it costs a lot of money. Also, this MPP is not primarily for security, as Singapore is /not/ very likely to be invaded any time soon, but for WARGAMES. Yes! For wargames.

Wargames help our economy vastly.

1) They allow us all to work at 90+ wellness which increases production and is practically essential.

2) They increase demand for weapons, gifts, and even higher quality food in Singapore. Gifts and better food will let you get more fights in over a long period of time, and weapons increase your damage and help you rank up faster.

3) They keep people from leaving. A lot of people will move around the world so that they can get a fight in every day, and others will leave if we don't have wargames.

So, for February 19 until March 21, we are going to have wargames.

The only problem is that Singapore cannot afford Wargames for every month, our current income is less than 200 gold worth of SGD/Month. (By a lot.)

In the next few weeks, I'll be trying to work with my advisors/cabinet to help our economy via babyboom, immigration, better companies, or any other way we can think of.

Thank you and Majulah Singapura!


P.S. Congress, please vote YES!