[GOV] The president's plan

Day 1,143, 07:30 Published in South Korea USA by roland_up


With the release of the January 11 election result, we have a new president governing eSouth Korea, I am honoured to have been asked by the new president, rythemdj to help him out to setup his agenda and communicate his messages and wishes to the English speaking communities before the new cabinet is formed.

This article will listed out some of his plans in the interim period before the formation of the cabinet.

1. War with Taiwan

We have spoken with the new president of eROC about the ongoing war between the two sides, the last couple of days of the war has been very messy indeed and has caused us to lose a number of regions to the eROC. Based on our communication, he is surprise how the swap has turn into the current situation.

Based on the understanding with the president of eROC, our new president rythemdj plans to recover the regions that are not part of the swap deal, and end the war there. Therefore, we instruct our citizen to fight in Chungcheongnam-do today. Chungcheongnam-do hold a significant place in the history of this country, it was our capital after the end of eJapan-eSK war, so we must regain it back to our hand.

Unfortunately, the president has not get access to all the old government orgs, so the government at the moment cannot distribute weapons and foods to our fighters just yet, but I am willing to provide some to you in a private basis, just send a message to MiraiCorp about what you want, we will try to meet your needs, of course you have to be a citizen of this country and live here also.

2. Setting up the new cabinet and relation with congress

The president in his article has mentioned he has send out invitations to a number of active and abled citizens to join his team, as far as I know about this list, it contains prominent people who are the RL koreans and also many players from the English speaking community to try to create a representitive government with a mix of experience and youth.

Congress is an important part of this nation's democracy, in the last few months, we have seen the massive grow in presidental power, and a non-functioning congress. An active congress is needed for an active community, the president has pledged to repair this strained relationship by working closely and actively with the congress as much as he is able to.

3. Landswap with China

In regards to the recent failed landswap with China, president rythemdj has decided instead of a landswap, he will negotiate with eChina about renting out some region(s) to them. This is likely to happen after we have sort of this landswap mess with eROC first.

4. Greater cooperation with eJapan

President rythemdj has spoke with representative from eJapan about further cooperation between the two country. Relationship between the two has been hot and cold in recent time, but rythemdj wants to have a closer tie with eJapan. The detail of this will be release to congress and the citizens once the detail has worked out between the two sides. But a summary of this include😛
- A joined mobile military force under a streamline command structure, which will create a much more powerful military force with better response time, and get citizens more interest in the game.
- A joined senate/congress that decide matters that affect both countries.
- A combined ATO forces to reduce the influence of rogue citizens and congressman.

The president believes this is an important step for both minor countries who has little resource to defend itself against external forces will finally get the chance to defeat them.

These are some of the plans president rythemdj have while his cabinet is forming, there will be other policies in the future, so please stay tune.

Advisor to the president