[GOV] The eIndonesian Destroyers Gang / ditulis dalam bahasa indonesia juga

Day 909, 06:39 Published in Indonesia Poland by Ostin Reborn

[eIndo MOFA] I Salute You eHungary / Tisztelgek előtted eMagyarország


Kepada Penduduk eIndonesia
Suatu kehormatan bagi saya untuk memperkenalkan militer kita pada kalian
Akan saya perlihatkan beberapa statistik :
Seperti kalian lihat di sini, dalam beberapa perang besar belakangan ini, kita masuk ke dalam 4 besar penyumbang damage
Kita sangat bangga akan hal tersebut...
kita telah membantu aliansi dan teman kita seperti yang telah mereka lakukan untuk kita pada masa lalu
dan kita akan terus membantu aliansi kita
Dan sore ini, saya, Vlavin, ow_santeaja, elsyon, sicsid, born to kill, masila, dan aban telah mengadakan pertemuan membicarakan restrukturisasi militer, agar militer kita menjadi salah satu yang terbaik di eWrold
militer eIndonesia akan direstrukturisasi agar menjadi lebih baik
inilah strukturnya
kita tetap akan memiliki tiga divisi aberi yaitu aberi 1, aberi 2, dan aberi 3
tetapi kita mengubah struktur STR untuk aberi
hal ini kita lakukan mengingat tingkat STR populasi kita dan untuk damage yang lebih baik

aberi 1 - 0 sampai 8
aberi 2 - 8 sampai 12
aberi 3 - 12 sampai 25
diatas 25 akan menjadi tank

aberi 1 akan dibagi ke dalam 2 divisi
1. divisi pelatihan dengan anggota STR dibawah 5
2. divisi senior dengan STR 5 - 8
aberi 2 dan aberi 3 akan menjadi divisil mobile
dalam beberapa kasus, aberi 1 juga akan menjadi divisi mobile
untuk peperangan di luar negeri

kami memperkenalkan konsep baru disini, dimana di setiap divisi aberi akan terbagi kedalam beberapa pleton
contohnya, setiap divisi aberi akan memiliki beberapa pleton yg beranggotakan 15 orang dan dipimpin oleh komandan pleton
komandan pleton ini bertanggung jawab kepada komandan divisi

super tank akan di komando langsung oleh MOD, tidak terikat dengan divisi manapun
hal ini dilakukan agar 1. para prajurit akan semakin terkendali 2. akan lebih mudah untuk menghabisi musuh 3. akan lebih mudah dalam persenjataan

sementara waktu, kami sedang melakukan pemilihan komandan pleton yang dapat memimpin pleton dengan maksimal
kami akan mengumumkan komandan pleton dalam waktu dekat, dan mereka aka mengontak masing-masin prajurit yang berada dalam pleton mereka
dengan ini kami berharap kekuatan militer eIndonesia akan bertambah.. kami berharap dapat memberikan damage besar bagi musuh-musuh kita dan menjadi militer terbaik di eWorld
jadi, saya mengajak semua penduduk aktif agar bergabung dengan militer untuk eIndonesia yang lebih baik

Dan kalo kalian bertanya apa itu TIDG(The eIndonesian Destroyers Gang)?, itu adalah mobile fighting force kami..dan didunia kita harus dikenal sebagai TIDG (The eIndonesian Destroyers Gang)

jika kamu belum menjadi anggota aberi, dan ingin bergabung, datanglah ke dalam #aberi (via irc ), dan di topic kalian akan menemukan siapa komandan yang harus kalian hubungi
kami ingin semua penduduk aktif untuk bergabung ke dala militer...


Dear citizens of eIndonesia

It gives me great pleasure to introduce before you our military.

Let me show you some of the statistics :
if you see here you will see that in all the recent major battles we have done the top 4 damages:
and yes we are very proud of this...
we have helped our allies and friends like they have done for us in the past
and we will continue to help our allies
the eIndonesian military is going to be restructured for the better
so today evening me , Vlavin, ow_santeaja, elsyon, sicsid, born to kill, masila, and aban had a meeting regarding restructuring of our military into one of the best in the eWrold
the eIndonesian military is going to be restructured for the better
here is the structure
we will continue to have three aberi division which is aberi 1 , aberi 2 and aberi 3
we are changing the strength structure for the aberi
this is mainly done considering our population strength and for better damage..
aberi 1 - 0 to 8
aberi 2 - 8 to 12
aberi 3 - 12 - 25
above 25 will be mega tanks

aberi 1 will be divided into two divisions
1. trainee divison who have str less than 5
2. seniors will have str 5 to 8
aberi 2 and aberi 3 will be the mobile divisions, however in some cases even aberi 1 will be mobile, for international exposure

we are introducing a new concept here. this concept is to have platoons in each aberi divison
for example each aberi will be divided into platoons of 15 soldiers each who will be headed by a platoon leader...
these platoon leaders will report to the aberi head
the mega tanks will not be under any division as they be under the direct command of the MOd

this is mainly done so that 1. there is more control on the soldiers 2. easier to hit the enemy hard 3. easier to donate weapons

so kindly wait as of now...we are finalizing the platoon leaders so that they are able citizens who can lead the platoon in the best way possible
we will very soon come up with the platoon leaders and they will contact you who are the soldiers under under each platoons...
by this we hope to change the military might of eIndonesia...we hope to deliver more damage to the enemy and soon emerge of the most military in the world...
so i urge all active citizens to join the military for a better eIndonesia....
what is TIDG (The eIndonesian Destroyers Gang) if you ask...well it is our mobile fighting force...for the world we shall be known as TIDG(The eIndonesian Destroyers Gang)

If you are not a solider yet.. please come here #ABERI and on the topic you can find the commanders of different aberi divisions...please contatc them to join...
we want every active citizen to join our eIndonesian military..


The Battle of Heilongjiang

1. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Hungary.gif"> Hungary: 1523252 dmg, 1662 fighters, 157.26 d/f, 5.83, T(527WP-24f), S(39WP-18f)
2. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Russia.gif"> Russia: 178205 dmg, 56 fighters, 361.47 d/f, 8.80, T(165WP-5f)
3. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> Indonesia: 143952 dmg, 65 fighters, 281.71 d/f, 7.86, T(104WP-3f), S(7WP-2f)
4. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Serbia.gif"> Serbia: 72466 dmg, 54 fighters, 218.27 d/f, 6.15, T(16WP-2f), S(3WP-1f)
5. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Portugal.gif"> Portugal: 40431 dmg, 22 fighters, 320.88 d/f, 5.73

> http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/S/Indonesia.gif"> 3rd Highest Damage

The Battle of Liaoning

1. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Serbia.gif"> Serbia: 4023922 dmg, 8366 fighters, 97.69 d/f, 4.92, T(714WP-29f), S(49WP-20f)
2. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Hungary.gif"> Hungary: 608226 dmg, 557 fighters, 205.34 d/f, 5.32, T(57WP-3f), S(6WP-2f)
3. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> Indonesia: 339737 dmg, 248 fighters, 234.30 d/f, 5.85, T(166WP-5f)
4. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Russia.gif"> Russia: 302918 dmg, 310 fighters, 187.10 d/f, 5.22, T(18WP-2f), S(3WP-1f)
5. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/France.gif"> France: 247932 dmg, 185 fighters, 225.80 d/f, 5.94, T(101WP-4f), S(3WP-1f)

> http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> 3rd Highest Damage

The Battle of Southern Great Plain

1. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Hungary.gif"> Hungary: -1916192 dmg, 2972 fighters, -116.45 d/f, 5.54, T(122WP-7f), S(36WP-13f)
2. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Serbia.gif"> Serbia: -1102993 dmg, 3190 fighters, -68.30 d/f, 5.06, S(5WP-4f)
3. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Russia.gif"> Russia: -363430 dmg, 925 fighters, -78.04 d/f, 5.03, T(27WP-1f)
4. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> Indonesia: -301340 dmg, 1098 fighters, -55.21 d/f, 4.97, T(38WP-1f)
5. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/France.gif"> France: -258042 dmg, 857 fighters, -61.64 d/f, 4.88

> http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> 4th Highest Damage

The Battle of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg

1. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Russia.gif"> Russia: -364497 dmg, 149 fighters, -227.24 d/f, 10.77, T(220WP-7f), S(1WP-1f)
2. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Germany.gif"> Germany: -142538 dmg, 109 fighters, -164.21 d/f, 7.96, T(47WP-3f), S(5WP-4f)
3. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> Indonesia: -68365 dmg, 26 fighters, -254.14 d/f, 10.35, T(51WP-1f), S(1WP-1f)
4. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Brazil.gif"> Brazil: -62180 dmg, 47 fighters, -226.93 d/f, 5.83, T(28WP-2f)
5. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/United-Kingdom.gif"> United-Kingdom: -21907 dmg, 30 fighters, -148.02 d/f, 4.93

> http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> 3rd Highest Damage

The Huge Battle of Central Hungary

1. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Hungary.gif"> Hungary: 4013889 dmg, 3687 fighters, 161.64 d/f, 6.74, T(1143WP-52f), S(158WP-71f)
2. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Serbia.gif"> Serbia: 2254122 dmg, 3904 fighters, 96.64 d/f, 5.97, T(253WP-8f), S(15WP-7f)
3. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Russia.gif"> Russia: 851193 dmg, 1537 fighters, 95.54 d/f, 5.80, T(9WP-1f), S(4WP-1f)
4. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> Indonesia: 750623 dmg, 1250 fighters, 106.38 d/f, 5.64, T(267WP-9f), S(11WP-6f)
5. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Turkey.gif"> Turkey: 473501 dmg, 827 fighters, 102.27 d/f, 5.60, T(187WP-4f)

> 4th Highest Damage

The Battle of Dobrogea

1. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Serbia.gif"> Serbia: -1214209 dmg, 5570 fighters, -45.40 d/f, 4.80, T(18WP-1f), S(7WP-5f)
2. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Hungary.gif"> Hungary: -1059581 dmg, 3504 fighters, -62.23 d/f, 4.86, S(2WP-2f)
3. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Russia.gif"> Russia: -613939 dmg, 2485 fighters, -47.45 d/f, 5.21, S(91WP-30f)
4. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Bulgaria.gif"> Bulgaria: -427504 dmg, 2342 fighters, -36.91 d/f, 4.95, T(11WP-1f), S(18WP-6f)
5. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> Indonesia: -415066 dmg, 2723 fighters, -32.34 d/f, 4.71, S(33WP-15f)

> 5th Highest Damage

The Battle of Limpopo

1. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Argentina.gif"> Argentina: 635605 dmg, 1878 fighters, 72.88 d/f, 4.64, T(183WP-5f), S(21WP-17f)
2. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Serbia.gif"> Serbia: 382538 dmg, 317 fighters, 230.86 d/f, 5.23, T(21WP-2f), S(1WP-1f)
3. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Brazil.gif"> Brazil: 219975 dmg, 105 fighters, 308.95 d/f, 6.78, T(147WP-5f), S(4WP-1f)
4. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> Indonesia: 155194 dmg, 118 fighters, 229.92 d/f, 5.72, T(60WP-2f)
5. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Lithuania.gif"> Lithuania: 93984 dmg, 160 fighters, 117.48 d/f, 5.00

> 4th Highest Damage

[Central Hungary] The Doubleheader

1. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Hungary.gif"> Hungary: 3400983 dmg, 4025 fighters, 148.45 d/f, 5.69, T(749WP-44f), S(89WP-45f)
2. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Serbia.gif"> Serbia: 1832514 dmg, 4090 fighters, 85.02 d/f, 5.27, T(46WP-4f), S(11WP-5f)
3. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Indonesia.gif"> Indonesia: 605600 dmg, 1023 fighters, 108.88 d/f, 5.44, T(304WP-10f), S(1WP-1f)
4. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Russia.gif"> Russia: 540752 dmg, 1293 fighters, 81.72 d/f, 5.12, S(1WP-1f)
5. http://www.erepublik.com/images/flags/M/Bulgaria.gif"> Bulgaria: 301802 dmg, 1000 fighters, 58.75 d/f, 5.14, S(3WP-1f)

> 3rd Highest Damage

Thanking You,
Ostin (Martabak)
eIndonesian MOFA

(You do not mess with the eIndonesians , we mess with you)

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