[GOV] Request for comment from all congressmen

Day 1,147, 03:22 Published in South Korea USA by roland_up

I would like some comments from EVERY congressman on the following two proposals

1. The reopening of the food drive project
This popular project was created to provide citizens who cannot afford food to get access to food in order to increase their health. Now that the game mechanics has changed to be more war orientated.

It is neccessary to ensure our citizens have enough food to get more chance of fighting in a battle, or heal themselves after they fought.

Project detail:
1. We estimate there will be about 50 citizens who will participate in the project.

2. Each citizen will be given 10 Q1 food on each run.

3. The food run will be normally held at important battles.

4. All participants must be a citizen of this country, and must live in this country for within the last 5 days of the run (unless you are a ctizen that was trapped behind the enemy line or carrying out a RW at an enemy territory in a eSK home region).

Each run will cost ~12gold (varies with the price of food at the local market).


The president, the MoIA, and other appointed officals will manage the buying of food (based on the lowest cost), setting the article in game and delivery.

2. Peace with eROC

We need to end this war, because basically, we have completed the swap and there are nothing else to be accomplished with this war. There is no other reason this war needs to be opened. If you have any comments or if you want to debate, I will answer your questions, if you don't , can you ask you for your assurance that you promise to vote YES the next time eROC propose another peace deal? thanks

NOTE: Btw, before we have congress together, we can probably use this format for discussion, I promise to use simplier English and if someone can help with the translation to Korean, that would be nice.