[GOV] MoSA update (Gifts inside)

Day 1,299, 13:42 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by TeMing

Good day eMalaysians,


Few changed was made by admin in recent days, which stirs alot of discussions and unrest among players in eRepublik, namely removal of work skill, variation of amount of health recovery depending on quality of town center, adjustment of productivity. There is another changes which is not so obvious too, which is removal of government orgs' newspaper and ability to publish directly. However, there is still a way to post using gov orgs', as mentioned by nicholas2000 in 4th point of his recent article. In order to make my job as MoSA easier (because orgs can no longer accept good donations), I'll continue the Newbie Programme using my own newspaper.

As minister of Social Affair, I cannot just take care of welfare of new citizens, while ignoring those that stayed in this game for some time and contributed to the enation. So, instead of just offering goods to newbies, I will separate eMY citizens into a few categories:

A - eMalaysia citizens that is eborn before day 1269 (30 days before today). These citizens will receive most from MoSA! But the amount received will vary and depends on how much resource is available

B - eMalaysia citizens that is eborn after me! Which is after Aug 28th 2010. This group will receive donations from MoSA too, but 50% from MoSA and 50% from my personal wealth. Amount of donation will depend on resource available too

C - eMalaysia citizens who are eborn before me, which is before Aug 28th 2010 (eMalaysia citizen that is born +- 10 days from Aug 28th will receive 2x the award!). This group of old players will receive 2 Q3 bread (sorry not that rich lol)

How to claim these award? You must hold eMalaysia CS when you comment, put in vote number and which category you belong to, then wait for the donation!


For newbies, we recommend to take 0.19G training booster. SAVE YOUR GOLD. Do not use it for regain your health in war or change it with MYR. Listen to the advice, SAVE IT. Use it to open your own companies and you can run it for profit or to support your war supplies (pm us if want to know how). We know, be a newbies was totally boring, as nothing much we can do, our damage is so low even flies wont hurt because of it. Be patient people, soon your time will come xD. We need you newbies, we really are.

To ensure active newbies receiving as much help as possible, I am accepting all sort of donations from everyone that is willing to do so. You can donate them to me. Don't worry about me taking the donation and not giving out, Donation in and donation out will be recorded and everyone can see it HERE. But please remember to tell me what quality of goods you are donating, so it won't be confusing if there is alot of donations.

I am also looking for active experienced eMalaysia players to help me to guide/talk/teach to newbies. PM me if anyone that is interested to nurture future hope of eMalaysia.

New players that responded in the last Social Office articles are:
Tang Chin Wee
Hurpy McDerperson
Pet Wussy
Muhammad Hafiz Mohamat

Hope to see you all commenting here again and in future too!

eMalaysia MoSA June 2011