[GOV] July Primary Results

Day 2,416, 08:05 Published in Austria Austria by BundesPresseDienst

After 24 hours of voting, the results of the non-binding straw poll are in - and it ended up being the closest polling yet as voters chose between two candidates. As a reminder, this result is in no way official - it is just intended to hopefully bring some more people into the process, and also provide some entertainment along the way.

Below, I will give the results from each party, as well as a combined total that takes the votes of the OIP, ASM, ARP, ACP, ATTDP, NF, and members of no party (Coalition Total).

This race saw both candidates actively campaign for votes, and the result ended up closer than previous races have been. Jeanlouis, the incumbent, took the lead with 60% of the total votes cast, with Vlado33 at 40%. While Jeanlouis led in his party (the OIP) and the ARP, tellingly Vlado33 led in his party (the ACP) and the ASM.

Next, the results of the first choice poll.

This result saw Schwrzwolf come out ahead as the overall leader with 40%, while Vlado took 32%. Jeanlouis recieved 16% while Harzakc recieved 12%.

Next, the results of the second choice poll.

This time, the second choice poll was almost a 4 way tie, with little to be determined from it. However, overall, most voters seem willing to give Jeanlouis a second term after his first - though trend watchers will also note that this was Vlado33's strongest performance yet, and leaves him in a good position for future races.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this straw poll!

Rangeley, Advisor