[GOV] Help Thailand, vote their official candidates!

Day 705, 00:08 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Dear citizens,

Two days ago Thailand has re-emerged in the region of Central Thailand as agreed upon by the eThai leaders and the government of FRoSEA. As long as new or re-emerging countries don't have a congress, everyone can freely take up their citizenship so no wonder they are now under a PTO attempt right away. The legit party of the eThais is the Official Thai Party with Vincent Garibaldi as party president. The other two parties are PTO parties run by Italians and probably Indonesians.

We would like to ask those living in eMalaysia who don't yet have Malaysian citizenship and those who might not want to vote on anyone here or find helping our good friends more important than domestic elections to please travel to Central Thailand in Thailand, take up Thai citizenship and vote there on the official candidates. (You still have to write something into your citizenship application but afterwards it will be accepted automatically right away.)

Before voting please check out the Google spreadsheet on who needs votes at that time: HERE.
Also you can check the eThai leadership's instructions here: Official Anti-PTO information

Please vote whoever is on the lowest spot on the ballot of the following 6 candidates:

Jeff Hamilton
Jack Roberts
Travis Byrd

You can request free moving tickets to vote in Thailand under this article or on our chat, #erepublik.my at rizon.net/chat

And though I can't speak in the name of congress, I'm fairly sure those voting in Thailand will get their Malaysian citizenships back in a few days at most by our congress members.

If you can, please help our friends and brothers in the union of FRoSEA. Thank you.

Best regards,