[GOV] April Primary Results

Day 2,324, 08:48 Published in Austria Austria by BundesPresseDienst

After 48 hours of voting, the results of the non-binding straw poll are in. As a reminder, this result is in no way official - it is just intended to hopefully bring some more people into the process, and also provide some entertainment along the way.

49 participated in total - with almost all parties seeing some representation. Below, I will give the results from each party, as well as a combined total that takes the votes of the OIP, ASM, ARP, ACP, ATTDP, NF, and members of no party (Coalition Total).

In the main poll, only those who were willing to run this month were included. Of those, capoqwer led in the OIP, ASM, ARP, ACP, and ATTDP. In his own party he found strong support in this race, with nearly 86% support. Amongst the combined coalition total, he recieved nearly 71% of the vote. Vlado33 came in second place with roughly 29% of the vote, seeing his strongest support from the ACP - 37.5%. The OIP closely trailed with about 36.4%.

Next, the results of the first choice poll.

As with last time, this result shows more divided results. The only additional candidate this time, who was nominated but chose not to run, was Luis Grindl. Nearly a third of coalition voters selected him as their first choice - notably, 50% of ARP voters and 62.5% of ACP voters. capoqwer held onto his strong support in the ASM and ATTDP. Overall, capoqwer remained the overall leader, this time with a plurality of about 42%. Vlado33 saw only a small decline, to 26% overall.

Next, the results for the second choice poll.

This poll saw the biggest impact of including Luis Grindl - he won the poll with a plurality of 45.2%. Along with pulling a strong 63.6% in the OIP, he recieved 71.4% of the ASM's vote. Vlado33 came in 2nd place, with about 35% of the overall coalition total. He led in the ACP with 62.5% and the ATTDP with all of the votes cast.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this straw poll!

Rangeley, Chief of Staff