#GoldShareChallenge [CornelB]

Day 2,479, 07:29 Published in China USA by Elongated Musket

Dear eRepublik players

In the past few weeks you migh have noticed the Ice Bucket Challenge, where many people have been dumping a bucket of ice water and donated money in order to draw attention to the ALS disease and help with research. After fulfilling the challenge a person can nominate others to do the same.

But since we are in the eWorld, people have suggested that we do this in the following way:

To help new players the donations should be directed toward them.
We all know how difficult it is to start eRepublik and how much gold goes into building training centers (something a new player should concentrate on).

So let's help them!

I have been nominated by zmeuNY

Challenge accepted!

I have donated 2 gold to the following players (online at the time):

Mircea Quintus (eGov history)

AlexVerdi (eGov history)

Florin I (eGov history)

I hereby nominate:

Vasilis Karavias

SFlorin (mwahaha he's gonna have to create a newspaper)

Edit: I understand that Vasilis is already nominated. Nomination changed to
titillica, the oldest fag i know

Also, a blond chick with a nice pussy: