[GLD] Vote Garmr for Country President

Day 957, 08:29 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by GLD HQ


GLD Supports Garmr \o/

The Green Liberal Democrats will support Garmr for president. While both candidates are high in caliber, we will support Garmr as he is more consistent. Overall he is more active and a more well round consistent candidate. The GLD as of now are closer to I&W in ideology which also explain or transition from a LSD leaning to a more I&W leaning support. I am confident that GLD and I&W cooperation will bring wonderful new policies in the near future.


President: Garmr
Prime Minister: Myers11

Minister of War: Tim Veltkamp
Secretary of War: Alexander Matteo

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Myers11
Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Daniel Parker

Minister of Recruitment and Coaching: AndreasIsaksson
Secretary of Recruitment: ArtemIvanov
Secretary of Coaching: Abes182

Minister of Finance: Mitch Rapp
Secretary of Finance: Tonie112

Minister of Economy, State Companies and Raw Materials: Hollenboer
CEO State Companies: Heikanu, Joe Memphis

Minister of Information & Interior: Konrad Neumann
Secretary of Information & Interior: Deviltje

Also Garmr will buy beer in the July 10th meeting xD

I will fly to NL to vote Garmr

AHHHHH!!!! I WANT GARMR NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

If we have hands, we will vote for Garmr.....

I urge and recommend all peoples regardless of your party to vote for Garmr for country president.

Konrad Neumann
Party President of the Green Liberal Democrats


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