[GLD]Thank you Konrad and Congress elections!

Day 1,002, 13:59 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by GLD HQ
Green Liberal Democrats Informer, Day 1002.

Since the PP elections our party has a new leader. We want to thank Konrad Neumann for all the work he has done. We believe that he made the GLD even a better party than it was before. The party seems to be a little inactive right now, but we don't think that's Konrad's fault. It's holiday period, and you see inactivity all over the country/eRepublik.
Again thank you Konrad and good luck at your new party, De Oranje Partij. We are sure we can work together again in the future.
{One thing though, since Konrad is gone you can expect shorter articles}

Congress elections are on their way too. The GLD are expecting a nice competition and are hoping for a nice result. If you want to run for the Green Liberal Democrats, please send a PM to our party leader.
Please write in this message if you are already active on the forums/IRC, what your plans are etc.
We hope to hear from you. Remember, the GLD are a perfect place for new players to show their political ideas. The GLD are a party where young individuals are not being stopped by older players.

The GLD is open to you!
