[GLD] Taking The Captains Chair

Day 938, 12:36 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by GLD HQ


GLD... German Loving Dudes? Gay Liberation Directive? No no no!!!!! GLD is Green Liberal Democrats. The GLD is a center libertarian party which place unity as our main tenet. Like the motto of The Unity Party of eUK, we strongly believe that "Unity is Strength." Unity reflects the current government, the way GLD conducts politics internally and externally.

I am really happy with the GLD so far. We, with the help of our good friends in the LSD was able to secure Myers11 the captain's chair to the nation. I am really happy with the unity and support from our members within from members like Matt Johnson, Steingrimur Illugi, and many others. I am also really happy that we got many new members to our party like Deviltje, Coolissport, Yaren6, Lichtelwichtel, Lyuline, and others too. Welcome to the party and the party is as yours as it is mine. Take ownership of it and be active. Let your voice be heard.

I am happy to be elected as party president. Your confidence in me means a lot to me and I hope I will represent you well. I would like to take this time to announce that Matt Johnson will be the Vice Party President to help with promoting unity as well as other logistics in the party and abroad. Matt is a great player and his experience as VPP before will greatly help me to be an effective PP. I was PP of Open Mind Germany for 6 months, but the GLD is greatly difference. I look forward to work with him not as a boss or PP but as a partner. I really do not see the PP role as a position that dictates. All members are my partners as well and your insight, opinions, concerns etc should be heard and I will do my best to address them. Never be silent.

With the PP election over, the congressional election draws ever closer, there is no time like the present to think about your political career in eRepublik. Please sign up for congress if you are interested in running under the GLD banner, signup here. People that signed up will get preferred preference and it is wise to secure a location that you are interested in. We already get some good candidates signed up already, why wait till the last minute, sign up today if you want to run for congress.

Join us brothers and sisters of the Netherlands. We are not the largest party but we have strong unity, a strong sense of community. Friendly community with a strong focus on unity, open expression, and debate. We only care to address and resolve problems etc. Pragmatism over blind emotions etc. Nonpartisanship, not the same old politics. Join the GLD today.

I support the GLD....

Can I be the new GLD logo? Please...........

I am green......

Save my home in the eNorth Pole, join the GLD today

Thanks for reading and your support.

Konrad Neumann
Party President of Green Liberal Democrats


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