[GLD] PP elections and statement regarding recent events

Day 908, 15:18 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by GLD HQ

Dear all,

First of all, thank you for supporting me once more as your party-president. I am honoured that I've been given this chance for the 5th time now. The coming month will be symbolized by an increased activity on the political field, as I believe eUNL-party politics is slowly dieing. The installation of CP government has taken a way a great deal of political rivalry, and although it's good to all get along nicely, it is on the contrary very disturbing that there has been so little debate lately. The lack of debate indicates, at least in my opinion, that not a lot of people are thinking about innovations, or at least they're not making them public anymore. However, my dear colleague Shakerr released a promising article right after his election as PP of the LSD-party (congrats btw), and the WP also seems to become more and more alive, so let's hope we can all contribute to a renewed level of activity in the political arena in the coming weeks.

Now that we're talking party-politics anyway; it has come to my attention that our fellow GLD'er Frerk is stirring some controversy lately and I have been asked by other members to comment on this. Frerk has been elected secretary-general of PHX recently and it seems that he, in that capacity, has made some statements that go against the official position of our party. More specific, I've been told that our former member Der Sterling has been accused of spying by Frerk, while this is not true according to our president. With Auggy's permision, I can quote him on this one: 'I asked Frerk before he was made deputy of FA if was alright since he had some american friends [...] He said no problem, and that he trusted herr sterling because he knew him'. Personally I don't know anything about this, but I think I can speak for all GLD-members that it is rather awkward when one member accuses the other one of spying, while it isn't even clear if that really is the case (and doing so in public even).

Besides that, there also seem to be lively, public "debates" (or should I say bar-brawls) on IRC and in article-comments, for example about the question what MPP the eUNL should engage in. Also, Frerk has stated in the public eUNL channel that our MoF (with whom I work very pleasantly together @ Finances) should be 'impeached' or 'forced out' if he doesn't allow 100 gold to be spend on a MPP and that our country could be PTO'ed by some dude named Antonio 'if needed' (it may be joking, but some jokes just don't work in a certain context).

Frerk is being used as an example now, and some statements might be just half-serious, but this really applies for everyone: remind yourself what you are loyal to! A party, a country.... We, as a party, take a position in the debates. And if we haven't done so, everyone is supposed to check with his party-members before making statement we cannot endorse as a party. I do not care whether someone is SG, minister, president or the new messiah: DO NOT go against party-policy! There is, ofcourse, a certain freedom, but I believe everyone is capable of knowing where that freedom begins, and ends. If you're on a power-trip, if you feel your party cannot give you the support you need, if you think you're bigger or better than your fellow party-members, or if you just don't care what others think about you, then quit that party so you can have the freedom to state whatever you want to state (and however dubious it may be). A party, and GLD specifically, is created to achieve common goals; it's not a tool for people to work on their own agenda.

Myself and a large group of others within the party have been in GLD since the beginning. We value the freedom the party can give its members, but we value our ideological integrity even more (as well as openness, but I suppose this article kind of gives that away!). Let this be a reminder that freedom comes with responsibility. And also, that whatever someone may have achieved, he or she has achieved it not only because of his qualities, but also because of the trust that others put in him.

Some of you might it awkward I am throwing this all out in the open, but in some way I am just returning the favour I suppose. GLD values the cooperation and friendship it has with other parties and individuals, and it should be absolutely clear that there is no room for individuals doing precisely the opposite. I have been asked to release a statement in order to distance our party from certain events, and that's what I have done. Too bad it was needed in the first place.

On behalf of the GLD,

Pander Sols