[GLD] Day 1329 - Monday

Day 1,329, 07:01 Published in USA USA by Rom Paul

*Times shown are Eastern Standard Time (EST) & eRep Time


10AM  (7:00 eRep)    OPEN:  $599  |  ⇩$20.00  
4PM  (13:00 eRep)    EVAL.:  $597  |  ⇩$2.00  
10PM  (19:00 eRep) CLOSE:  $609.5  |  ⇧$12.5  

     ⇉⇉⇉  Interactive Daily Gold Chart - Click Here!  ⇇⇇⇇

Market Evaluation
Gold opened down this morning with stagnant activity throughout the day up to around 14:00 erep. Expect a higher close tonight at 19:00 erep, or i'll eat my shirt.