[GLD] Day 1321 - Sunday

Day 1,321, 12:28 Published in USA USA by Rom Paul

Day 1321

*Times shown are Eastern Standard Time (EST) & eRep Time


10AM  (7:00 eRep)    OPEN:  $693  |  ⇩$12.00  |  ⇩1.70%
4PM  (13:00 eRep)    EVAL.:  $690  |  ⇩$3.00  |  ⇩0.43%
10PM  (19:00 eRep) CLOSE:  $681  |  ⇩$9.00  |  ⇩1.30%

   ⇉⇉⇉  Interactive Daily Gold Chart - Click Here!  ⇇⇇⇇

4PM  (13:00 eRep)  Evaluation
Gold opened this morning under the $700 psychological resistance point and continued to decline this afternoon to $690. There seems to be in excess of 18 Gold being offered at $690 so we'll be watching for what happens in the next couple of hours. We'll continue to watch the market for you and let you know any of big moves that take place.

Investment action remains at SELL / HOLD until further notice.

Updated 13:01 eRep Time, Day 1321  Reason:  Update Chart / Add Analysis