[GLD] Day 1320 - Saturday

Day 1,320, 11:01 Published in USA USA by Rom Paul

Day 1320

*Times shown are Eastern Standard Time (EST) & eRep Time


10AM  (7:00 eRep)    OPEN:  $718  |  ⇩$7.00  |  ⇩0.97%
4PM  (13:00 eRep)    EVAL.:  $716  |  ⇩$2.00  |  ⇩0.28%
10PM  (19:00 eRep) CLOSE:  $705  |  ⇩$11.00  |  ⇩1.54%

   ⇉⇉⇉  Interactive Daily Gold Chart - Click Here!  ⇇⇇⇇

4PM  (13:00 eRep)  Evaluation
Gold opened this morning at $718, down nearly 1% from yesterdays close. It continued to shed a couple bucks to $716. Not much movement today.

It's possible we could see an upswing as early as this afternoon, as there really are no fundamentals for the price to continue to decrease AND there is ample investor interest in trading Gold. Possible BULL MARKET coming up.

Upgrading investment action from SELL / HOLD to HOLD SELL / HOLD.

Updated 22:49 eRep Time, Day 1320  Reason:  Update Chart / Minor UI Improvements