[GLD] Day 1318 - Thursday

Day 1,318, 07:01 Published in USA USA by Rom Paul

Day 1318

*Times shown are Eastern Standard Time (EST) & eRep Time


10AM  (7:00 eRep)    OPEN:  $744  |  ⇧$14.00  |  ⇧1.92%
4PM  (13:00 eRep)    EVAL.:  $740  |  ⇩$4.00  |  ⇩0.54%
10PM  (19:00 eRep) CLOSE:  $740  |  ⇔$0.00  |  ⇔0.00%

Updated 14:28 eRep Time, Day 1318  Reason:  Update Chart/Add Analysis

4PM  (13:00 eRep)  Evaluation
Gold opened this morning at $744, about 2% higher than yesterdays close. Momentum for a continued push fell this afternoon with a light slump of $4 per unit to $740 per unit. Although momentum for a steady rise has faltered, there seems to be support left on the table for an able run to high 700 territory.

Today we saw yet another unexpected, unannounced change to eRepublik that can only create a little fear and cast a hint of doubt in many players minds about the valuation of our fictional goods and currency, or anything for that matter.

Therefore, I am swaying towards an acquisition of gold at prices under $750, with sell targets from $780-$800. For the time being I am still BULLISH.